Rum Hof on RumX
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We have gathered the most exciting offers on Rum Hof for you. The selection is based on the availability of the rum and the average rating of the RumX community. We have also identified rarities that are only available on Rum Hof.
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Top review from cigares :
"RumX Awards 2023 and re-tasted 6 months later. Despite its age, the esters are very present without dominating. Buttery, nicely acidic, lemony, overripe banana, grilled bacon and yellow fruit make up a nose that remains balanced despite its complexity. The attack is lively and explosive, with fat (butter) tempering the fire and fruit filling the mouth. Yellow fruit (pear and apple) and young wood. The finish is long, elegant and fresh. No flaws here, everything is clean and precise. The wood is perfectly integrated. The fruit remains right to the end. In the empty glass, you discover an unprecedented sweetness, with the wood clearly perceptible. The favorite rum of this top RumX selection."
Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:
"Definitely on par with the predecessor 94 REV from Bellamys. Flavors a little more cassis, more burnt caramel, dark chocolate and rosemary / lavender, as well as dried fig and grapefruit peel. Also very tasty but really hard to say which one I like better!Flavor-wise this one is a bit more intense and has the longer finish due to the more %, but the other one is a bit more complex if you let it and has the nicer nose. Both at eye level!"
Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:
"Vanillemark, Cola, mango/pfirsich-schwarztee und balsamico, sowie grüne Walnusslikör Noten an der Nase. extrem komplex, süß, vielseitig und Intensiv. geschmacklich: dunkel, bitter, leicht säuerlich, malzig, schokoladig, Mokka und schwarzer Kardamom, Ceylon Tee, grüner Tee mit Minze, medjoul Datteln, Dörrpflaumen sowie extrem geile intensive und pure Melasse & Cola Noten! absoluter wahnsinn, das das Ding nach 38y nicht nur noch nach Holz schmeckt. geiler Stoff und flüssige Geschichte. deutlich weniger holzig als erwartet, diese intensive, dickflüssige Melasse, grüne Walnuss und Pflaumen Note ist einfach gigantisch! Nur Preislich wären 200€ weniger eher angemessen..."
Top review from Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓:
"The Ed. 39 from the Rumclub, a 2006 REV (RX16863), is already a very successful bottling, but RX16863 is no match for the Rumclub's new stroke of genius, especially on the palate. It is rounder, more complex, deeper, fuller-bodied, stronger, more palatable, sweeter, oilier. And I'm not saying that because I live in Berlin and am therefore close to the source. See for yourself. This is supposed to be a 2008 Diamond? It really seems to me that the barrel was mixed up and a REV was sent to Spirit of Rum instead of the Diamond. And not a 2006 REV, but actually a 1994. Can that really be the case? I hope there will soon be a comment function here, then I could read your direct reactions. For me, this is a hot contender for rum of the year without hesitation. Drink it and you'll agree with me. If it is a Diamond after all, which I hope will be verified by tasting experts, it seems to me to be most similar to the MDXC profile from 2004 (RX7442). Or perhaps the 96 (RX10043, RX10046)? 🤔 I'll stick with REV 1994 for now. 😉 Exciting!"
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"This one was a huge surprise. A very well balanced Panama rum with very good ABV integration. Lightly fruity profile with roasted nuts and a warm oily palate. Draws really nice and slow moving curtains in the glass. Even today the plum/prune note is in the empty bottle."
Top review from SaibotZtar :
"Chocolate, nuts, slightly coconut. Somehow also something slightly floral and menthol. Slight spiciness on the palate .... nice sweetness. Here again these floral notes ... as well as chocolate and nuts. All in all, a good Belize with hardly any recognition value ... which doesn't make it any worse, just not really different from the others."
Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:
"Guadeloupe 1998 Bellevue I had now already some but none like this: reminds me but actually of the old Courcelles from 1972 by this blatant strawberry jam and bitter orange jam note, which is rounded off by some wood, leather, vanilla, ginger and minimal orange flower water and menthol / mint and slightly bitter black tea. Very awesome and very elegant and especially unusual for this vintage! I really like it and better and better the more I drink it...."
Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:
"once again a very horny and unusual Belize Rum! 67.1% are definitely noticeable, which needs >15 minutes time to breathe! then comes really a wacky note of lemon, bergamot, as well as floral tones of elderberry, sandalwood, eucalyptus and baking spices to the fore, the typical pineapple note is here rather in the background.taste then very thick, oily and concentrated, the whole mouth virtually stuck with glue, dark chocolate, sandalwood and bergamot, as well as mocha and macaroons and caramelized meringue with some lemon zest,fat! overall very balanced despite the high % number. And an extremely unusual long finish...."
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"#4590 26-27.01.2024 Hanse Spirit Thinking about the price tag you get a lot for your money with this release. A fruity yet well balanced rum. Nose Fresh, wood, light smoke, fruits, spice, floral, sugarcane, light earthy notes. Palate Wood, light smoke, fruits, floral, spice, light herbs and earthy notes. Finish Medium long, wood, dried fruit, light mint."
Top review from SaibotZtar :
"Still very restrained and slightly pungent on the nose ... the palate is already much more intense. Super fruity and really easy to drink for the high ABV, which surprised me. It's already a delicious drop."
Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:
"16y tropical aging 100% Coffey Collumn Still Ex bourbon+ 3y Ex Port cask, 60,1%. Nase: dunkle Schokolade, geröstete Kokoschips, Kräuter, Portwein, Toffee, Karamellbonbon, Banane, etwas Klebstoff, etwas Pappkarton, Kirsche Geschmack: Brutal lecker, Mokka, Zartbitterschokolade, Kardamom, kokos, Traube, Muskat, dörrpflaume, Portwein überall präsent, Bratäpfel, Banane, Zimtrinde, cassis... schöne Tannine und langer Abgang. Erst trocken dann süßer werdend. Könnte blind für mich n Mix aus 94er new Yarmouth und 98er foursquare sein, dazu natürlich der Port Einfluss. Sehr geil, super komplex und für mich ein super schöner daily sipper."
Top review from Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓:
"It's getting better and better! If the El Salvador from Royal Cane has just cut a fine figure, the Fiji goes one better! Screw the fact that it has nothing of a Fiji, it's nice and strong and just tastes good. (Although I have to admit that, unlike the El Salvador, it would be better suited to a winter evening)."
Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:
"Unfassbar schöner daily sipper. Sehr entspannt und lecker. Für mich wohl das Beste was bis dato aus El Salvador in cask strength auf'n Markt kam und preislich auch echt im Rahmen. Definitiv einer der besseren el Salvador single casks."
Top review from Stefan Persson:
"Overall a very nice Agricole with great flavors from Saint James, but when I tasted it together with the 12yo, appreciated the 12yo more. It’s full of flavors from the barrel, vanilla and fruits, but I think it tastes a little little bit too much oak to run out the 12yo."
Top review from Lot-NAS:
"Well that was a surprise. TECA seems to work pretty well with fresh Wood. It feels like the fruity Ester components were delivered in a wooden box. Sound a re-tasting and I am still surprised by this little gem."
Top review from zabo:
"Messebewertung: Village'23 Trotz seines sehr jungen Alters eine wahrhafte Explosion, das Hampden Finish kommt klar zum Vorschein. Wahr positiv überrascht, nur mit dem Preis bin ich mir noch unsicher, ob dieser dies rechtfertigt. Guter aber noch ein wenig zu ungestüm, aber das DOK Finish kommt klar zum Vorschein"
Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:
"Nase: geröstete Haselnüsse, Nougat, Vanille, getrocknete Aprikose, Bourbon, mild und warm, butterkekse, fass, orangenschale + Marmelade Geschmack: nuss Nougat Creme zum trinken mit Bums🤤 alkohol sehr gut integriert, fass, datteln, orangenschale, Orangenmarmelade, dunkle zartbitterschokolade, kakao, kräftiger espresso, vanilleschote, ahornsirup, pekannüsse, etwas tabak im abgang, jaffa cakes in flüssig, falls die noch wer kennt? Zartbitterschoko, biscuit keks und orangenmarmelade drin? auf jeden Fall richtig leckerer Stoff!🤤 könnte blind glatt als Single Barrel Bourbon durch gehen! PLV könnte besser sein. Dennoch ein perfekter sipping Rum und auch sicher gut zur Zigarre geeignet."
Top review from Rowald Sweet Empire:
"Very balanced classic agricole. Instantly likable in the nose. Pretty sweet and velvety in taste. Mineral. Some vegetal vs freshness. Grassy. Very easy in lots of aspects. But good easy. This is a very good spirit."
Top review from Stefan Persson:
"Got this 5cl sample in my second batch from Rum Ratings Tasting Club and participated in the virtual tasting yesterday. The Abuelo XII Two Oaks is a 12yo rum stored in two different types of oak barrels. First on traditional Tennessee whiskey / bourbon casks during 11 years, and then a final storage on deep-fried casks of new American white oak. It’s produced from both molasses and sugar cane juice by Varela Hermanos. The sugar content is 24 gpl, so it’s sweet but not extremely sweet."
Top review from Stefan Persson:
"Overall a very good Port Cask Finished Agricole that I tasted at the Sweden (Stockholm) Rumfest 2024. It has first been aged for at least 8 years whereafter it’s finished during 11 months in former Port Casks. At nose is oak, vanilla, chocolate and ripe fruits recognizable. In mouth and at the palate is flavors of oak, vanilla and chocolate detectable together with notes of port, hazelnut, dried fruits and cocoa. During the rather long finish is beside the above, notes of jasmine, coffee and plum found."
Top review from zabo:
"Edit Edit: batch #1 is better than batch #2 Edit: it's also really good as a mixer. Simply a classic. Good price/performance ratio. Works wonderfully to enhance both cocktails and long drinks. For me, it's the best entry-level Hampden and always will be. That's why I had to upgrade it again."
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"This is a medium priced rum and they did pretty well. A very flavourful rum with lots of wooden notes and fruit. Not too sweet, but nicely balanced and medium complexity. Price to quality is very good. "
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"I think this is a very under rated rum. It's in the cheaper end yet its complexity is very convincing. A wonderful sweet, fruity and spice nose going into a complex well balanced heavy palate. The finish is long, a bit sweet and has a nice peppery sting to it. Price to quality is very good. "
Top review from Zucker und Zeste:
"Recht holziger Belize mit den klassischen Aromen. Die leichte Verdünnung steht ihm meiner Meinung nach gut. Das macht ihn sehr entspannt trinkbar, könnte aber unter den vielen Belize Abfüllungen etwas unter gehen."
Top review from Thunderbird:
"An exciting rum, with intense flavors! Somehow from two different worlds, on the one hand Agricole, on the other hand more towards molasses. The interplay between fruit, plant aromas and spices provides an experience on the tongue. The longer it lingers and especially in the finish, the Agricole note comes out. I like quite well"
Top review from RumTaTa:
"Zweite Verkostung: hmm, ist im Vergleich zu anderen recht blass (-3) Für mich einer der Top-Rums aus dem Rum-Depot S.B.S Tasting 2022. Die Nase startet frisch super fruchtig vor allem mit den für Worthy Park so typischen Bananen. Die kommen am Gaumen dann so richtig zur Geltung. Der Nachklang wird vom Fasseinfluß dominiert. Toller Jamaikaner! Von mir aus hätten er gerne noch intensiver sein können, aber trotzdem ein sehr guter Rum!"
Top review from Mirko Frosini 🇮🇪:
"Loving long ponds, I decided to purchase a white. I expected more marzipan, which I love in its aged counterpart, however it is a remarkable white. Complex, strong in the solvent part, but never overdone. Olive and esters on the nose. In the mouth solvents and a fleeting roasted/smoky note. On the finish pineapple and lychee, medium-long duration.Whites for me must have a different evaluation than amber."
Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:
"Endlich Mal ein vernünftiger & bezahlbarer Diamond Guyana Rum um den man sich nicht schlagen muss! Hier wird genau das Diamond Profil getroffen was ich so gerne mag und die 50% sind nicht zu dünn und nicht zu kräftig sondern sehr lecker und süffig! :) Geruchlich wie geschmacklich eine schöne Harmonie aus Zartbitter-Schokolade, Meersalz, kräftiger Melasse, Bananenbrot, Kaffee, Brombeeren und Trockenobst sowie ordentlich Gewürzen wie kandiertem Ingwer, Kardamom, Piment, Vanille und Muskat und dann etwas Tabak, Leder und Bitterorange im Abgang. 5% mehr Alkohol hätte er zwar noch vertragen können aber dann wäre er auch nochmal ein gutes Stück teurer geworden!😉 Es handelt sich hierbei übrigens um einen "small batch" aus 5 nahezu identischen Single cask diamonds die alle zwischen 64-67% hatten. PS: Macht sich hervorragend in diversen Tiki Cocktails wie dem Queens Park Swizzle!"
Uniquely available
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"This one was a huge surprise. A very well balanced Panama rum with very good ABV integration. Lightly fruity profile with roasted nuts and a warm oily palate. Draws really nice and slow moving curtains in the glass. Even today the plum/prune note is in the empty bottle."
Top review from cigares :
"A surprising nose of varnish and banana with a hint of menthol. The menthol is repeated on the palate with vanilla and spices. Like baked apples. Medium length, with spices and more menthol and a taste of mouthwash. Nice overall balance, quite opposite flavors but nevertheless coherent. I like it. Tasted again and I confirm, a very fine rum."
Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:
"Oloroso finish bringt sehr schöne süß salzige aber nicht zu süße Nuss (Mandel & Haselnuss), und Trockenfeige Noten und eine feine Säure mit ein. Gefällt mir deutlich besser wie der 1. Batch! Ist auch nicht zu süß und der Rum wird nicht komplett vom Sherry dominiert."