39 Spirits & Cigars on RumX
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Top review from DomM:
"Nose is an explosion of flavors. Funky with esters, fruits and ample notes of solvents and marzipan. Also quite some wood once you are past the chemical notes. Compared to the 2010 release, this is much more mature, dark and closed up at the beginning. While you get full ester goodness, this is more balanced compared to the 2010 and less agreesiv (comparatively that is, of course!) Very nice on the palate as well. This is - in the most possible way - soft, balanced and elegant. Yet don’t take this wrong. There is still plenty of funk. Complex fruits (tropical as well as dried - I get some cherry here) mingling with wood and esters. This is very rich and the long tropical aging delivers brilliantly, presenting a dark and heavy rum without being overly wood forward or bitter in the slightest. Excellent! On the palate the 2010 is more playful and the ester notes are much more punchy. Much more adstringent and „in your face“. Both brilliant but rather different sipping experiences old and dark versus funk forwards. Both great. Compared to the younger 2005 NRJ bottling, both clearly share the same DNA. The additional years of tropical aging clearly transformed the profile towards darker and woody notes. Esters are much more tamed with dried fruits being more present in the mix."
Top review from Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓:
"Can you make oil from berries? At any rate, this is the taste of Kirsch's Mhoba, finely balanced with a somehow high-quality solvent. Special, different from the typical Mhoba flavor range, but just as good. Update 2024-03-03: Have the rum in the glass again today while bottling for a split and simply have to rate it highly, because the alcohol is basically imperceptible on the nose and is entirely in the service of flavor transport on the palate. How can a rum that has been aged for less than five years be so good! Great art."
Top review from Galli33:
"I prefer the Pagos 2023 over the last years edition. This has more „Hampden“ power and the Sherry barrel is integrated much better (due the change of the barrels… maybe?) and the sherry stays more in the background like a faithful campanion and fit perfect with the Hampden flavours. Grilled pineapple meets sour cherries overwhelmed by esters 🤤🥃 The alcohol is very present, i would say typical for a young Hampden."
Top review from Thunderbird:
"The successor to Sajous is quite similar to its predecessor, but doesn't quite come close. It is much tamer than the latter, which some people may like better, as it is somewhat rounder and more palatable. The range of aromas is very good and varied (fruit, spice, sugar cane)"
Top review from RumTaTa:
"Erneut ein sehr heller Clarendon von Test & Be Thankful. An der Nase sehr vielseitig aber nur mittel intensiv. Ich habe einen schönen, von Würze betonten Gesamteindruck. Am Gaumen sehr ähnlich zu den anderen Clarendon Abfüllungen von R&bT allerdings ein wenig intensiver. Der Rum bringt irgendwie das Kunststück fertig zugleich trocken und cremig-süß zu sein. In Richtung Nachklang kommt dann wieder eine medizinisch/salzige Note durch. Der mittellange Nachklang ist ein Mix der Eindrücke von Nase und Gaumen. Sehr guter Rum aber nicht mein bevorzugtes Profil von Clarendon. Ich mag die älteren 95er und 97er Jahrgänge lieber."
Top review from zabo:
"Als CubaLibre sehr lecker, aber leider ist der Preis ein wenig zu hoch angesetzt. Edit: Zum großen Crosstasting der Velier Abfüllungen haben sich noch der Swell und der Barbados 2006 Flag Series mit dazu geschmuggelt. Leider war es bis jetzt noch nicht möglich ein Sample vom 70th. zu bekommen. Im allgemeinen ist zu sagen dass es im Blindflug keine großen Unterschiede an der Nase gab. Beim Geschmack selber sind jedoch Unterschiede erkennbar. Nach meiner Meinung fallen aber drei deutlich aus der Reihe und bilden mit Abstand das Schlusslicht dieser war es aber nicht. Erster Eindruck 8,7 Auführliche Verkostung folgt Edit: sehr toller Vertreter von Foursquare. Ein Crosstasting, natürlich blind, werde ich demnächst mit den Abfüllungen von Velier noch machen. Aber ich wage die Prognose, dass er sich mehr als gut gegen diese schlagen kann."
Top review from Jakob:
"Distinctly coherent Agricole profile: wood, heavy sweetness of dried fruit, chocolate and nougat, plus subtle citrus notes as well as finely tared spicy notes, floral aromas and smokiness. Quite consistent from nose to finish, but very harmonious thanks to this very straightforwardness."
Top review from Rodolphe:
"I wasn't a fan of the Papalin range until now. But La Velier has come up with a very good Reunionese at a nice price. It's a perfect representation of the rhums trad found there, with the fruity side of the grand aroma, present but not overpowering. It drinks well, is pleasant, vegetal, floral, woody and fruity. A great success. In the end, it's what I expected from savanna's Le Must, which doesn't emphasize the fruitiness of the grand arôme enough. This is the case here."
Top review from cigares :
"Rum and chocolate tasting by Rum Club Switzerland. A nose of tropical fruit (banana), citrus, varnished wood and sweetness (pastries). A floral note completes the nose. The palate has a fairly lively attack, with fruit and floral notes emerging later. The finish is long, with fruit and wood on the finish. Empty glass, fruit and wood varnish in harmony. A fine, lively, well-balanced rum. It lacks a little depth, but it's very well made and a pleasure to drink."
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"This was the odd one out and also a huge surprise. Considering the price tag you get a lot for your money. I found out that it needed to rest for at least 15 minutes and at 30 minutes the flavours just come at you. Intense and fruity with nice spices and cane. I really like the floral note from nose to finish and even the empty glass was wonderful after a while. Loking forward to our S.B.S and Silver Seal tasting next week."
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"This is a nice rum especially at the price. The age is very present in the profile as the wood takes the front seat along some fruity and spice notes. Nice warm/spicy on the palate and I like the smoky wood it serves your palate and finish."
Top review from zabo:
"Edit Edit: batch #1 is better than batch #2 Edit: it's also really good as a mixer. Simply a classic. Good price/performance ratio. Works wonderfully to enhance both cocktails and long drinks. For me, it's the best entry-level Hampden and always will be. That's why I had to upgrade it again."
Top review from Frank:
"Habe ein Sample-Set der 4 neuen Sea Shepherd von Kirsch gewonnen. DANKE 🙏. Hier nun der 5 Jahre kontinental gereifte LROK-Rum aus einem Oloroso-Fass… Nase: intensive Mischung aus Ester und Sherry. Süß-saure Maracuja, Ananas und Banane mit gelber Zitrone und geschwefelter Aprikose. Geht hinten raus Richtung Bleistiftspähne. Ester und Sherry gehen gut zusammen, auch wenn ich nicht so auf Süß-Sherry-Ausbau stehe. 8,2 Gaumen: schön intensiv, gelungene Mischung aus Ester mit Klebstoff und tropischen Früchten wie Maracuja und Ananas. Zitrone und Stachelbeere sind auch dabei. Das Sherry-Fass bringt eindeutig kräftige süße und schwefelige Aromen mit. Wirkt leicht speckig. Für das, was er ist (jung und Oloroso) gar nicht mal schlecht. 8,0"
Top review from Decky Hicks Doughty:
"A weighty nose. Lots of dates, cocoa nibs and nougat. Reminds me of a Mars Bar with some additional licorice notes. Some mint on the back end. A surprisingly spicy palate after the nose. Chamomile tea, almond, cream toffee and cloves towards the back end with very distant notes of raspberry. The finish is quite long and warming. The cloves from the palate hang around with some anise and raisin. A great rum. Heavy, flavourful and sophisticated. One to share with friends."
Top review from DomM:
"Nose is surprisingly „mature“ for the short time in the barrel. The cask seems to put in quite some work. Vanilla, honey and milk chocolate remind me of some virgin cask bottlings I have tried. All alongside some flowery notes. Pretty nice. On the palate notes are similar with honey and vanilla. Some fruits and candied ginger also show up alongside a cane juice sensation. Also pretty nice - pleasantly surprised by this one."
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"#4282 06.10.2023 Yet another One Time release that is doing pretty well. The price tag is really good compared to what you get. A medium light profile with nice fruit, caramel and light wood. The palate is spicy/warm with nice fruit. The finish is medium long and spicy with light dryness to it. The caramel in the profile is pretty nice. Draws nice curtains in the glass. The empty glass has some chocolate, nuts and very light marzipan."
Top review from MarcT:
"OK, no flaws but not really inspiring as well, would not have been able to attribute this to Trinidad, which can be considered a good thing: I do not like the products of Trinidad Distillers that much. A bit shy on the nose."
Top review from Jakob:
"Absolutely extraordinary smell and taste worlds open up - in the nose planty-grassy aromas and green fruit and vegetable notes come to the fore, where I have immediate associations with green gooseberries, fruit bushes and grass, as well as subtle fresh herbs. Reminds me of pulling through the bushes on a spring day in the garden - I do not know so at all from rum. Next to it I have to think of unripe citrus fruits. On the palate, the impressions continue, though some typical Worthy Park notes come through here - dark pepper, some banana, caramel, smoke and wood. A very special profile that you have to like. Gets a little exotic bonus, but this certainly won't be my next Daily Sipper."
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"Delicious and a lot of tropical fruit. Vanilla is coming through in this one and it sticks for a while.A super rum to sit and sip with your friends.A very good beginners rum in my mind,"
Top review from Frank:
"Habe ein Sample-Set der 4 neuen Sea Shepherd von Kirsch gewonnen. DANKE 🙏. Hier nun der kontinental gereifte Pot-Still-Melasse-Rum aus Fiji… Nase: mmhhh, intensiv, konzentriert, lecker. Fiji-Essenz. Süßer Klebstoff und Lösungsmittel, Ester, tropische Früchte. Passionsfrucht und Physalis. Fast Honig-Süße mit Zitronensäure. Jetzt kommt hinten auch die typische buttrige Joghurt-Note mit Werkstattöl und Bleistiftmine. Gefällt mir sehr gut. 8,5 Gaumen: auch hier eine tolles Fiji-Erlebnis. Klebstoff und Ester mit Lack, Feinmechaniker-Öl und Bleistiftmine. Buttrig mit Lakritz und Holzfass. Viel mehr kann ich gar nicht sagen. Ziemlich gut. 8,5"
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"#4006 This one has more complexity to it than the 10 year old release. Lovely fruits mixed with roasted wood and spices. I like the caramel note in the profile. Draws nice curtains and the empty glass is lovely. Price to quality is so good that I ordered a bottle."
Top review from Artur Schönhütte:
"Actually always impressed so far with the cask choices of independent bottles with beenleigh. Super dry and top profile. Fruit and buttery doughy profiles that are well integrated with wood notes of a bourbon cask"
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"14.04.2018 A nice get-together with good friends and own bottles. Notes. Nose: Intense, wood, raisin, light smoke, coconut, nutty. Palate: warm, wood, light smoke, coconut, caramel, mint. Finish: medium to long, dried fruit, wood, nuts."
Top review from cigares :
"A nose marked by controlled esters, with ripe banana and pineapple. Pleasant on the palate, the alcohol is well integrated and the fruit is well present with cedar wood. The finish is a little short on fruit and cedar. A very pleasant rum for the price."
Top review from Martin Ekrt:
"I almost forgot the cast sample before disposing of the bottle. Very fine aroma of fruit, apple, nutmeg. The taste is also more subtle. Again, apple, peanuts and bergamot tea, cognac. Similar finish. A very fine rum for easy sipping."
Top review from Frank:
"Habe ein Sample-Set der 4 neuen Sea Shepherd von Kirsch gewonnen. DANKE 🙏. Hier nun der tropisch gereifte Melasse-Zuckerrohrsaft-Rum aus Brasilien, mit einem Finish im Amburana-Holz-Fass… Nase: karamellig-fruchtig mit einer würzigen Pfeifentabak-Note. Getrocknete Aprikose und Feige, dazu Banane und Papaya. Duftholz mit Vanille. Vollmundig und sehr angenehm. 8,2 Gaumen: kräuterig-würzig mit einer fruchtigen, holzigen Süße. Kardamom mit Muskat und Koriander und im Gegenspiel eine leichte Note Sauerkirsche und Himbeere sowie Kamille, Heu und Sesam. Hinten kommt fein der Pfeifentabak durch. Etwas zu viel Kardamom, sonst interessant. 7,6 Ungewöhnliche aber gute Mischung aus Melasse und Zuckerrohrsaft und dann noch Amburana Holz."
Top review from Dr.Django:
"Zweite Verkostung: Meine erste Bewertung von 73 Punkten überraschte mich beim erneuten Verkosten, denn die Aromen von kandiertem Gummi, Früchten, Zuckerwasser und etwas Kräuter finde ich eigentlich ganz gelungen. Im Nachgang wird mir aber schnell klar, was mich gestört hat: der "künstliche Erdbeerjoghurt" Abgang."
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"#4570 22.01.2024 Once again relaxing a bit at home. Sampling this rum while adding older tastings to the app. This is not a bad rum considering the price tag. The overall profile is well rounded but light. Nose Fresh and sweet, wood, light roasted, floral. Palate Medium oily, wood, light roasted, sweet, fruity, light caramel. Finish Medium long, sweet, wood, light caramel, faint smoky note. The empty glass has some light chocolate and fruitcake to it."
Flensburg Rum Company Quokka Edition (Australian Small Batch...
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"#4575 26-27.01.2024 Hanse Spirit This rum has a good price to quality. A nice Australian rum with a funny history Notes Light wood, faint smoke, fruit, light glue, marzipan. Palate Light wood, faint smoke, sweet, light glue, herbs, mint, faint marzipan. Finish Medium long, wood, dried fruit, light mint, marzipan."
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"Had a very nice Dictador tasting this Sunday and this is the second one of the six. This is the second time I have this rum in a tasting and this time it got a few more points. This rum is made from sugarcane and honey molasses, which is pretty rare. In this rum you can really smell and taste the honey. This is a must try if you like Zacapa rum because they're pretty similar. Price to quality is very good. This rum won gold at the 2010 International Rum Expert Panel. "
Uniquely available
Top review from BTB77:
"Smooth and well rounded, relatively sweet for a Rum without added sugar. Bourbon casks bring pronounced vanilla to add to the fruity notes. A bit of Jamaica funk i haven‘t seen in other Barbados bottlings yet. A hint of oak spice on the medium to long finish."
Top review from RumTaTa:
"Erneut ein sehr heller Clarendon von Test & Be Thankful. An der Nase sehr vielseitig aber nur mittel intensiv. Ich habe einen schönen, von Würze betonten Gesamteindruck. Am Gaumen sehr ähnlich zu den anderen Clarendon Abfüllungen von R&bT allerdings ein wenig intensiver. Der Rum bringt irgendwie das Kunststück fertig zugleich trocken und cremig-süß zu sein. In Richtung Nachklang kommt dann wieder eine medizinisch/salzige Note durch. Der mittellange Nachklang ist ein Mix der Eindrücke von Nase und Gaumen. Sehr guter Rum aber nicht mein bevorzugtes Profil von Clarendon. Ich mag die älteren 95er und 97er Jahrgänge lieber."
Top review from Decky Hicks Doughty:
"A weighty nose. Lots of dates, cocoa nibs and nougat. Reminds me of a Mars Bar with some additional licorice notes. Some mint on the back end. A surprisingly spicy palate after the nose. Chamomile tea, almond, cream toffee and cloves towards the back end with very distant notes of raspberry. The finish is quite long and warming. The cloves from the palate hang around with some anise and raisin. A great rum. Heavy, flavourful and sophisticated. One to share with friends."
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"#4006 This one has more complexity to it than the 10 year old release. Lovely fruits mixed with roasted wood and spices. I like the caramel note in the profile. Draws nice curtains and the empty glass is lovely. Price to quality is so good that I ordered a bottle."
Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"14.04.2018 A nice get-together with good friends and own bottles. Notes. Nose: Intense, wood, raisin, light smoke, coconut, nutty. Palate: warm, wood, light smoke, coconut, caramel, mint. Finish: medium to long, dried fruit, wood, nuts."