Richland Rum Single Estate Old South Georgia 43%

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    How does this rum taste?

    Most frequently mentioned flavors


    Cherry Plum Vanilla Lemon


    Fruity Cinnamon Smoky Citrus


    Burn Barrel Bitter Dried fruit

    How is this rum rated?

    23 reviews
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    "Another wonderful rum from Richland. A smooth well balanced rum once rested for at least 15 minutes. The nose is intense and balanced. Fruity from berries and dried fruits. There is also a spicy part and some wine. The palate is rounded and smooth and compared to the classic the oak and spice boosted quite a bit. Spice with vanilla, brow sugar and berries. The finish is long, has a slight bitterness to the oaky/vanilla lead out. "

    Profile picture of user

    "Pretty similar to Jack Daniels"

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    "Smells like an irish whisky, tastes really strong for 43abb. Medium long aftertaste"

    Photo of the rum  taken from user TriRoel
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    "Gewiss ein Rum, jedoch nicht mein Fall. Am Anfang für mich scharf und warm und erst später ein wenig Schokolade und Tabak zu erkennen. Im Geruch war er viel interessanter."

    Expert reviews

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    Details about this rum

    RumX ID
    Made from
    Sugar cane honey
    Bottle volume
    Type of spirit
    Richland Rum 43% Single Estate Old South Georgia

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    About the Richland Rum distillery

    The Richland Rum distillery is located in USA. Rums from Richland Rum have been reviewed 105 times with an average of 7.5/10.

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