West Indies Rum Artesanal Barbados Rum (Rockley Style) 2000 21yr 47,1%

Distinct honey profile but slightly lacks intensity.

This limited edition Barbadian rum excites with honey and smoky notes, yet some find it lacks the intensity expected from older Rockley styles.

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    How does this rum taste?

    • Unique honey and smoky aroma
    • Smooth, round flavor profile
    • Well-integrated alcohol content

    Rum Artesanal Barbados Rum (Rockley Style) is a distinct expression from the renowned West Indies distillery, bottled by Heinz Eggert GmbH. Distilled from molasses using a pot still in 2000, this rum aged for 21 years and is released at cask strength of 47.1% ABV. Although limited to 320 bottles, it captures attention with its honey, smoky, and vanilla aromas, complemented by woody and herbal notes. Users appreciate its unique Rockley profile, featuring honey and woody taste intertwined with smokey and roasted elements, yet some find it lacking in complexity and intensity compared to historic counterparts. This limited batch is a solid choice for collectors and enthusiasts seeking a rare Barbadian experience.

    Most frequently mentioned flavors


    Honey Smoky Vanilla Woody


    Honey Woody Smoky Roasted


    Woody Spicy Minty Tannins

    How is this rum rated?

    59 reviews

    Top 30%


    Top 27%

    West Indies

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    "The Cave Guildive is more complex and powerful in comparison. The RA seems somewhat watered down by the 47.1%. The finish is extremely long and beautiful. Reminds me of a Fiji rum. The typical honey note is there, but not quite as present."

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    "Die günstige Abfüllung des Q4/2021 Releases. Nachdem das Jahr mit einem Kracher in Form des Rockleys startete, nun der kleine Bruder. Sehr einladende Nase, wirkt angenehm leicht auf den ersten Atemzug, allerdings wird schnell doch eine tiefere Komplexität deutlich. Schönes Potpourri an Aromen. Am Gaumen zeigt er eine etwas andere Seite: überraschend holzig-bitter für „nur“ 21 Jahre (vs. 35 des 86er). Leider doch sehr dünn, so dass er im Vergleich zur Nase sehr flach wirkt. Abgang länger als erwartet. Sicherlich das beste PLV aus dem Release, aber geschmacklich kein Highlight für mich."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Lukas Jäger
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    "Die "dreckige" Machart steht diesem Destillat hervorragend und die bienenwachsartigen Unternoten finde ich sehr interessant. Ich bin überaus begeistert von diesem Barbados WIRD, kann aber keine anderen rockley styles zum Vergleich heranziehen."

    Profile picture of user

    "This is a good WIRD but obviously less tasty than 1986 vintage."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Maxence

    Expert reviews

    Details about this rum

    Rum Artesanal
    RumX ID
    Pot Still Rum
    Cask number
    Made from
    Pot Still
    21 years
    No. of bottles
    Bottle volume
    Price range
    Type of spirit
    Heinz Eggert GmbH • West Indies 2000 &nbsp; 21yr &nbsp; 47,1% Rum Artesanal Barbados Rum (Rockley Style)

    How is the price of this rum developing?

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    The RumX community has already added 81 bottles to their collections:

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    About the West Indies distillery

    The West Indies distillery is located in Barbados. Rums from West Indies have been reviewed 3,660 times with an average of 7.9/10.

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