Velier Caroni Heavy Trinidad Rum HTR 1985 20yr 62%

Balanced Caroni rum with roasted and tar notes.

The 1985 Heavy Trinidad Rum HTR by Velier offers a complex blend of roasted, tar, and dried fruit notes but lacks the depth of typical Caroni rums.

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    How does this rum taste?

    • Rich roasted flavor profile
    • Balanced vanilla and caramel notes
    • Limited edition, collectible rarity

    The Heavy Trinidad Rum HTR, produced at Trinidad's Caroni distillery and selected by Velier, offers a unique tasting experience. Distilled in 1985 and aged for 20 years, this molasses-based rum boasts a robust 62% ABV. Tasting notes reveal an intriguing blend of roasted flavors, tar, dried fruit, vanilla, and caramel, with a notable presence of dried fruit and tar on the nose. While some users note a lack of typical Caroni complexity, others appreciate the balance of flavors. Despite a shorter finish, this limited release of only 924 bottles remains a captivating choice for collectors and enthusiasts of vintage rums.

    Most frequently mentioned flavors


    Tar Dried fruit Caramel Woody


    Tar Roasted Caramel Dried fruit


    Warm Woody Smoky Dried fruit

    How is this rum rated?

    15 reviews

    Top 23%


    Top 38%


    Profile picture of user

    "Dégustation des Caronis Velier 1985. Un nez où le goudron léger se marie avec des notes de blé torréfié. Des pommes suries et du cèdre. La bouche manque un peu d’intensité en premier, puis de beaux arômes arrivent qui redescendent assez vite. La finale n’est clairement pas assez longue pour un Caroni. Il y a des notes d’atelier mécanique mais plutôt faibles. Le verre vide laisse apparaître des fruits dont un étonnant fruit du cacaoyer qu’on ne sentait pas en bouche et l’atelier mécanique y est plus prononcé."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user cigares
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    "#4220 19.08.2023 we had our yearly meeting among old friends. When we do this once a year its without partners, cellphones and other gadgets. Just some nice rums, a piece of paper and a pen and most fun of all, a blind tasting. The theme of 2023 was Caroni and we had a great time and spend no less then 10 hours talking and tasting. Now this is a nice rum. It doesn't have all the Caroni notes but it's really well balanced. Medium fruity with a nice touch of caramel. Draws really nice curtains in the glass and the empty glass has some chocolate and a light medicinal note."

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    "Epic Velier Caroni Tasting 2023: An der Nase zunächst etwas unspektakulär - zwar sind herbe und durchaus auch ein paar dreckige HTR-typische Noten zu erkennen, insbesondere ist hier aber die schwere Süsse von Paxarette in Kombination mit dem Fass präsent. Am Gaumen erneut schöne Eichenholz-Einflüsse mit vanilliger Karamellsüsse, herben Würzaromen von Pfeffer, dunkler Schokolade und etwas Kaffee, ehe sich im Hintergrund auch wieder die Teerassoziationen zeigen. Ein interessanter HTR, der definitiv nicht zur Spitzenklasse des Marques gehört, aber dennoch eine interessante Abfüllung hervorbringt. Insgesamt wirkt das 1985er Batch etwas trockener als das aus 1982."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Jakob
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    "Epic Velier Caroni Tasting: Alkoholische Note, kurzer Abgang, nicht viel typische Caroni-Noten, fehlt etwas Komplexität."

    Expert reviews

    Details about this rum

    RumX ID
    Made from
    20 years
    No. of bottles
    Bottle volume
    Price range
    Type of spirit
    Velier • Caroni 1985   20yr   62% Heavy Trinidad Rum HTR

    How is the price of this rum developing?

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    About the Caroni distillery

    The Caroni distillery is located in Trinidad. Rums from Caroni have been reviewed 7,808 times with an average of 8.8/10.

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