TRC Uitvlugt (Port Mourant) Guyana PMM 1997 20yr 56,5%

Complex Guyana rum with vibrant fruit and spice.

Generally praised for its complex aroma blending tropical fruits and barrel notes with spices and a creamy finish, the Guyana PMM provides a unique, vibrant tasting experience.

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    How does this rum taste?

    • Complex aroma and flavor profile
    • Well-balanced barrel and fruit notes
    • Rich, long-lasting finish

    The Guyana PMM by The Rum Cask is a 20-year-old rum distilled at Uitvlugt (Port Mourant), offering a complex aroma and taste profile. Notable for its tropical fruit, citrus, and barrel notes, it balances spices and mild sweetness. Its vibrant character, suggestive of Scotch whisky influences, is characterized by green pepper and roasted undertones. The palate is robust with barrel, licorice, and black pepper rich flavors. Users admire its creamy texture, well-integrated alcohol, and long, smooth finish featuring flavors like dark chocolate and mokka. A refined, intricate rum that continues to evolve with breathing.

    Most frequently mentioned flavors


    Tropical fruit Citrus Barrel Green pepper


    Barrel Tropical fruit Licorice Citrus


    Barrel Banana Tropical fruit Dates

    How is this rum rated?

    18 reviews

    Top 10%


    Top 14%

    Uitvlugt (Port Mourant)

    Profile picture of user

    "Ein hervorragender PM mit kontinentaler Reifung. Der macht richtig Spaß. Insgesamt sehr gediegen mit einem schönen Aromenspiel von Gewürzen, Frucht und Kräutern . Je länger er atmet, desto weichere Aromen kommen dazu. Im Abgang wird das Ganze mit einer kräftigen dunkleren Note von Mokka und Zartbitterschokolade ergänzt. Der Alkohol ist top eingebunden."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Thunderbird
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    "Interesting drop, this could have been a Scottish Whisky from the Highlands with a nice Rum Cask finish. It is more in the vegetal side, some spices and a bit of wood. Some fruits are there but they are playing the minor part. Except for the pears, they are great :) So, great Whisky, 9 points, here wo go."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Lot-NAS
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    "One of my PM97 favorites!"

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    "Großartiger Vertreter der kontinentalen PMs. Filigranes, komplexes Profil, bei dem die typische PM-Note (Holzplanke in Meerwasser) ergänzt wird um eine feine Süße, Fruchtnoten und Fasseinfluss. Dabei exzellent ausbalanciert und mit langem Abgang, bei dem alle Noten nochmal auftauchen. Klasse!"

    Expert reviews

    Details about this rum

    RumX ID
    Pot Still Rum
    Made from
    Pot Still
    20 years
    Bottle volume
    Price range
    Type of spirit
    The Rum Cask • Uitvlugt (Port Mourant) 1997 &nbsp; 20yr &nbsp; 56,5% Guyana PMM

    How is the price of this rum developing?

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    What people are saying

    About the Uitvlugt (Port Mourant) distillery

    The Uitvlugt (Port Mourant) distillery is located in Guyana. Rums from Uitvlugt (Port Mourant) have been reviewed 625 times with an average of 8.5/10.

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