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How does this rum taste?
The "Jamaica Rum" was produced in Jamaica. It was selected and bottled by the independent bottler Stock‘s. It was distilled from Molasses. The rum has an ABV of 45%.
3 community members rated this rum with an average of 8.0/10. The rum smells like Pineapple, Banana and Tropical fruit, and on the palate there is Tropical fruit, Banana and Pineapple.
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Lukas Jäger
15 August 2024
“Schöner Old-School-Jamaikaner. An der Nase überraschend pflanzlich, Tee, das kennt man von aktuellen Abfüllungen in dieser Form nicht so. Geschmacklich dann wohl am ehesten das, was wir heute von Appleton kennen. Low-Ester-Fruchtigkeit wie bei Appleton, Cremig-Buttrig wie NY. Insgesamt nicht vergleichbar mit Ester-Bomben, die man heute mit Jamaika verbindet, sondern eher im gediegenen Stil von Appleton oder Monymusk. Ich mag diese alten Dinger!”
Rowald Sweet Empire
25 May 2023
“Tasted the 60ties bottle. It is supposed to be Jamaican rum but "verschnitt" with neutral alcohol. In the nose there's no hint of "neutral" spirit. It's very Jamaican. It's a delicate one though. Taste: more Jamaican. Some punch actually. Lots of tropical fruits/licorice/some bitters. A bit of wood too. Nutmeg. Very enjoyable. Easy to drink but still lots of flavours delicately balanced. Nice. Better than I expected.”