The Rum & Crab Shack Dead Man’s Fingers Coconut Rum 37,5%

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    How does this rum taste?

    Most frequently mentioned flavors


    Coconut Alcoholic Sweet


    Coconut Sweet Vanilla

    How is this rum rated?

    18 reviews
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    "Got a sample of it as a gift when ordering some other rum. It’s nothing I should buy. It maybe works in some kind of Coconut drink. In my opinion is it not a rum. Aromas and flavors is just coconut and sugar."

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    "I liked it, I have read a lots of negative reviews but I truly liked it neat and I think it would be great in drinks like pina colada or mojito. It is somewhat similar to Malibu but less sweet and much stronger. I must admit that I am a huge coconut lover so that might explain why :) "

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    "Sits alongside Malibu for quality ... so many good coconut flavoured rums out there and this is clearly not one ... don't even know if you can call it rum it's that sweet on the tooth ... wow"

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    "Resilient, like malibu"

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    Details about this rum

    Dead Man’s Fingers
    RumX ID
    Spiced Rum
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    The Rum & Crab Shack 37,5% Dead Man’s Fingers Coconut Rum

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