Velier Nine Leaves Last Drops 2023 1yr 62%

Distinctive, complex, creamy rum with unique notes.

Last Drops" from Nine Leaves distills complexity into a limited release. With sugarcane dominance, its creamy yet medicinal taste appeals to adventurous palates.

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    How does this rum taste?

    • Complex aroma and taste
    • Creamy mouthfeel
    • Unique anise and mint notes

    Last Drops" is a distinct Japanese rum from Nine Leaves distillery, brought to the market by Velier. Distilled in 2023, this limited-edition, high-proof rum (62% ABV) is known for its rich nose of sugarcane and anise, along with subtle mint and coconut undertones. The palate offers a creamy, almond-like experience with a notable medicinal hint, giving it an intense, round profile. Reviewers express admiration for its unique character and complexity, making it a sought-after addition for connoisseurs. Aged for one year, only 950 bottles were released, marking a notable moment for the Nine Leaves series.

    Most frequently mentioned flavors


    Sugarcane Anise Complex Fruity


    Almond Medicinal Round Intense


    Almond Warm Sugarcane Nutty

    How is this rum rated?

    14 reviews

    Top 8%


    Top 15%

    Nine Leaves

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    "#4842 Whisky Live in Paris 27.09.2024-30.09.2024. Another great event meeting a lot of RumX new and old friends. This year three weren't as many new releases as in 2023, but I still had a great time. Nose Complex, fruity, light honey, floral, sugarcane, light vegetal, anise, light medicinal. Palate Round, medium intense, fresh, sugarcane, fruity, light citrus, faint iodine, faint salt, light nutts. Finish Long and warm, sugarcane, light nutts, light citrus, light floral, light herbal. These bottles Mark the end of Nine Leaves in Japan and it's pretty sad because he really knew how to make and mature rum. If you get the chance you should try out the five releases which are pretty similar and still pretty different."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Kevin Sorensen đŸ‡©đŸ‡°
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    "Exceptionally good white rum! I definitely need a bottle of this in the house bar."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Oliver
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    "Une des plus belles surprises du Whisky Live 2024. Ce Nine Leaves non vieilli dispose d’une trĂšs belle palette aromatique, aussi originale qu’élaborĂ©e. Le nez arbore de belles notes mĂ©dicinales et iodĂ©es qui accompagnent Ă  merveille le penchant vĂ©gĂ©tal et floral du profil, notamment sur la canne Ă  sucre et le basilic. Le profil est chaud, pimentĂ©, salĂ© mais lĂ©gĂšrement fruitĂ©. Le terroir japonais s’exprime pleinement ici. L’entrĂ©e en bouche est intense mais le palais est vite rempli par une rondeur sans pareil. Le profil est variĂ©, riche et complexe. On retrouve un cĂŽtĂ© terreux, herbacĂ© et vĂ©gĂ©tal, un cĂŽtĂ© plus animal avec le musc, les notes mĂ©dicinales sur l’iode, la canne riche en sucre, les Ă©pices (piment, sel), les fruits Ă  coque (amande, noix) et les agrumes. L’alcool est soutenu mais largement excusĂ© avec la richesse du profil. La finale est longue, chaude et laisse une trame parfumĂ©e trĂšs agrĂ©able en bouche. Les fruits secs et le citron vert style yuzu ouvrent le dernier acte avec les notes mĂ©dicinales et vĂ©gĂ©tales, puis les Ă©pices et le cĂŽtĂ© umami arrivent, avant qu’une touche d’amande et de toastĂ© vienne agrĂ©menter le palais. Un profil original mais trĂšs rĂ©ussi, preuve d’un vĂ©ritable savoir-faire qui malheureusement s’éteint avec la distillerie."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user TheRhumhoe
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    "DĂ©gustĂ© au Whisky Live Paris 2024 - notes de dĂ©gustations rapides, vous ĂȘtes prĂ©venus. ENORME ! Un vrai coup de coeur sur ce blanc atypique trĂšs portĂ© sur la canne, mais aussi l'anis et la menthe. Je n'avais jamais senti ça avant. En bouche c'est crĂ©meux, assez mĂ©dicinal (ne va pas plaire Ă  tous je pense), et ca dĂ©rive sur l'amande. Les derniĂšres gouttes qu'on va regretter... Il m'en faut une !"

    Photo of the rum  taken from user TheJackDrop

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    Details about this rum

    RumX ID
    1 years
    No. of bottles
    Bottle volume
    Type of spirit
    Velier ‱ Nine Leaves 2023   1yr   62% Last Drops

    What people are saying

    About the Nine Leaves distillery

    The Nine Leaves distillery is located in Japan. Rums from Nine Leaves have been reviewed 397 times with an average of 8.0/10.

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