Marie Brizard Rhum Charleston 60's

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    How does this rum taste?

    Most frequently mentioned flavors


    Burnt sugar Sweet Molasses Syrupy


    Caramel Burnt sugar Sweet Medicinal

    How is this rum rated?

    6 reviews
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    "Caramel and sent of baking is not actually my cup of tea. Some sourness there, that is something fresh I can appreciate on the other hand. :)"

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    "Semi-flat rum, but that light caramel taste I like lot!"

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    "Beru spíš jako historickou zajímavost - hodně sladkých tónů, trocha medicíny, kterou nejsem schopen přiřadit. Díky za šanci ochutnat, ale ty 2 cl byly tak akorát."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Michal S

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    Marie Brizard Rhum Charleston 60's

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