Romero & Sons FRC Ecuador (Kirsch Whisky) 1973 50yr 50,4%

Alcoholic, sweet, and slightly flat profile.

The FRC Ecuador rum offers a mature profile marked by caramel and chocolate, but many find it overly alcoholic. While intriguing, its complexity falters.

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    How does this rum taste?

    • Rich chocolate and caramel flavors
    • Long 50-year aging
    • Unique Ecuadorian heritage

    FRC Ecuador (Kirsch Whisky) is a rare rum, originating from Ecuador's Romero & Sons distillery. Distilled in 1973 and aged for 50 years, it was bottled by Oldman Spirits GmbH at cask strength with an ABV of 50.4%. Users note dominant aromas of caramel and chocolate, with a strong alcoholic presence both in scent and taste. While it hints at herbal and nutty undertones, some find it overly sweet and lacking depth despite its age. Its rich chocolate and caramel flavors are often noted as positives, although some users feel these are overshadowed by an intense alcoholic bite, making it less enjoyable. Overall, the rum showcases traditional Ecuadorian influences yet disappoints some expectations for its age.

    Most frequently mentioned flavors


    Caramel Dark chocolate Alcoholic Herbal


    Alcoholic Caramel Chocolate Herbal


    Sweet Nutty Alcoholic Woody

    How is this rum rated?

    19 reviews
    Profile picture of user

    "All right, I'll try the samples from zabo. Today No. 1: Uh, really not great. Tastes like neutral alcohol mixed with artificial peach flavoring. You can somehow (with some effort) recognize the Spanish style. But I don't find the alcohol well integrated and the rum somehow "thin" despite being over 50%. I don't even want to talk about the actual age of the rum. Perceived age 5 years at most. Too bad."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" 🤓
    Profile picture of user

    "Franconian Tasting Gang Wenn nur mit Cola und Eis. Edit: Diese Aussage muss ich leider zurücknehmen. Es ist glaube ich so ziemlich mit meine einzige Rum Cola gewesen, die ich bisher weggeschüttet habe, weil ich diese nicht runterbekommen habe."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user zabo
    Profile picture of user

    "#4585 26-27.01.2024 Hanse Spirit Pretty well rounded and sweet rum with light fruit. Nose Fresh wood, roasted, citrus, light citrus, caramel, light herbs. Palate Oily, wood, roasted, faint smoke, sweet, caramel, light orange, chocolate, light herbs. Finish Medium long, sweet, wood, roasted, chocolate and light fruits."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰
    Profile picture of user

    "Und der nächste Schokoladenrum. Hinzu kommen hier Kräuter in der Nase, außerdem sehr alkoholisch. Am Gaumen dann ebenfalls viel Alkohol und wieder Schokolade, außerdem noch leichte Noten von Karamell. Alkohol nicht so gut eingebunden."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Timo Groeger

    Expert reviews

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    Details about this rum

    RumX ID
    Cask number
    Made from
    Sugar cane juice
    50 years
    Bottle volume
    Price range
    Type of spirit
    Oldman Spirits GmbH • Romero & Sons 1973 &nbsp; 50yr &nbsp; 50,4% FRC Ecuador (Kirsch Whisky)

    How is the price of this rum developing?

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    About the Romero & Sons distillery

    The Romero & Sons distillery is located in Ecuador. Rums from Romero & Sons have been reviewed 209 times with an average of 7.1/10.

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