Swell de Spirits Bielle Wonders of the World Rhum Vieux Agricole 2015 8yr 56,2%

Balanced, floral, woody; smooth but not complex.

A well-balanced Bielle rum with floral, woody, and sugarcane flavors. It has a fresh, subtle complexity that some found appealing, while others desired more depth.

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    How does this rum taste?

    • Well-integrated alcohol
    • Balanced taste profile
    • Fresh floral notes

    The "Wonders of the World Rhum Vieux Agricole" from the Bielle distillery in Marie Galante is a limited release rum selected and bottled by Swell de Spirits. Distilled in 2015 from sugar cane juice and aged for 8 years, it has a robust ABV of 56.2%. This Agricole rum features a floral and grassy nose, with underlying notes of apple, wood, and citrus. On the palate, sugarcane sweetness mingles with floral, woody, citrus, and apple flavors. Many users appreciate its balance and smoothness, though some hoped for more complexity. Its alcohol is well-integrated, offering a harmonious experience, though there are mixed feelings about its price value.

    Most frequently mentioned flavors


    Floral Grass Apple Sugarcane


    Sugarcane Floral Woody Citrus


    Woody Vanilla Peppery Dried fruit

    How is this rum rated?

    53 reviews
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    "Also ich muss diesen Rhum einfach ĂŒberdurchschnittlich bewerten. FĂŒr mich eine rundum gelungene Angelegenheit. Ich mag vor allem diese frische, grasige SĂŒĂŸe, die ihn zu einem Paradebeispiel eines Agricole macht. Erinnert mich ein bisschen an einen La Dame Jeanne - gut so."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Gunnar Böhme "Bauerngaumen" đŸ€“
    Profile picture of user

    "GoĂ»tĂ© au RhumFest donc pas les meilleures conditions. Pas assez de notes prises qui plus est. Donc je devrai le re-gouter. Mais j'ai beaucoup apprĂ©ciĂ© sa finesse. Pas un agricole tout en bois. Une trame sucrĂ©e hyper agrĂ©able. Et un alcool prĂ©sent mais discret. HĂąte de le ressayer. Édit : re-testĂ© plusieurs fois depuis et c'est vraiment une rĂ©ussite. Un boisĂ© bien prĂ©sent mais maitrisĂ©. Une fraĂźcheur et une gourmandise trĂšs agrĂ©ables. De la vanille. Une bonne longueur en bouche. Une aciditĂ© en fin de bouche (fruits rouges ?). C'est vraiment bon !"

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Vincent D
    Profile picture of user

    "#4058 This is a very well balanced rum and it has a very fresh Agricole profile. I love the nice floral notes because they mingle very well with the fruit notes and vanilla. Draws really nice curtains in the glass and the empty glass is nice and fresh with some added dried fruit and what I'd call wet hay â˜ș"

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Kevin Sorensen đŸ‡©đŸ‡°
    Profile picture of user

    "Im Gegensatz zum vorher verkosteten Bielle von Rasta Morris (RX2979) ist dieser weit aus schwĂ€cher. Die typischen GerĂŒche und der Geschmack ist zwar Bielletypisch, aber weitaus nicht so ausgewogen wie beim RX2979. Denoch nicht schlecht."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user zabo

    Expert reviews

    Details about this rum

    Wonders of the World
    RumX ID
    Rhum Agricole
    Made from
    Sugar cane juice
    8 years
    No. of bottles
    Bottle volume
    Price range
    Type of spirit
    Swell de Spirits ‱ Bielle 2015 &nbsp; 8yr &nbsp; 56,2% Wonders of the World Rhum Vieux Agricole

    How is the price of this rum developing?

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    What people are saying

    About the Bielle distillery

    The Bielle distillery is located in Marie Galante. Rums from Bielle have been reviewed 3,351 times with an average of 8.4/10.

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