Velier Caroni Paradise #2 1998 24yr 56,3%

Complex Caroni with rubber, tar, vanilla notes.

Paradise #2 offers robust Caroni notes with rubber, tar, vanilla aromas. It blends leathery and dried fruit flavors, providing complex, balanced yet divisive impressions.

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    How does this rum taste?

    • Complex blend of flavors
    • Robust Caroni character
    • Balanced and oily texture

    The "Paradise #2" from Trinidad's Caroni distillery, bottled by Velier, is a 1998 molasses rum matured for 24 years and released in just 230 bottles. It has a high ABV of 56.3%, offering a robust profile with notes of rubber, tar, and vanilla. The nose combines industrial and fresh elements like mint and green apple, while the palate reveals leathery, dried fruit flavors. While praised for its balance and complexity, some find it lacks depth and impact relative to its price. Overall, it offers a unique tasting experience emblematic of Caroni's distinct high-terrain rum character.

    Most frequently mentioned flavors


    Rubber Tar Vanilla Nutty


    Rubber Tar Vanilla Leather


    Rubber Vanilla Smoky Tar

    How is this rum rated?

    25 reviews

    Top 28%


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    "Very accessible nose.dirty notes, but also lots of vanilla. Balanced on the palate with perfectly integrated allohol. One of the absolute highlights of the 1998 vintage. But does not come close to the level of 1996."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Oliver
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    "Epic Velier Caroni Tasting 2023: Dreckiger 1998er Caroni mit klassischen Noten von Gummi, Teer sowie Menthol gepaart mit leichter Fruchtigkeit. Dazu Holz, dunkle Schokolade und dezente Karamellnoten, die gemeinsam mit der WĂŒrze fĂŒr Bitterkeit und AusdrucksstĂ€rke sorgen. Der beste 1998er Caroni, im Gesamtvergleich aber dennoch kein herausragendes Caroni-Release."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Jakob
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    "I had the unique opportunity to compare this rum with other 98s yesterday. A very special, delicate rum. The nose is wonderful, balanced, caramel, bourbon. On the palate also of these notes, very round, mild, little dirty notes, alcohol very well integrated, filigree. Not without reason, this great rum was selected as one of the best of many casks by the Tasting Gang as a single cask..."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Johannes
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    "Un nez Ă©vident de HTR Caroni et puis
 je cherche la complexitĂ© qui justifie un single cask. Elle est lĂ , mais timide et comme cachĂ©e. Une belle fraĂźcheur transparaĂźt, comme un cĂŽtĂ© mentholĂ©. La bouche est vive mais les arĂŽmes s’y bousculent sans harmonie. Le menthol donne une fraĂźcheur trĂšs agrĂ©able Ă  l’ensemble et reste trĂšs longtemps en bouche soutenu par les fruits et l’atelier mĂ©canique. Tout se met en place en finale, toujours dominĂ©e par la fraĂźcheur. FraĂźcheur qui a sans doute agrĂ©ablement surpris les dĂ©gustateurs (Tasting Gang) peut-ĂȘtre un peu alourdis par tant de rhums dĂ©gustĂ©s. Un beau rhum, mais pour moi clairement en dessous de l’Ultimatum RX5760 et du Boutique 61,5% RX12860 et
 dix fois plus cher. Je tiens compte de ce fait pour ma note finale. Il faut avouer que le verre vide est splendide, harmonieux, complexe, frais et profond. Peut-ĂȘtre qu’une forte oxydation pourrait ici rĂ©vĂ©ler des merveilles ? Merci Steffen pour le sample."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user cigares

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    Details about this rum

    RumX ID
    Cask number
    Made from
    24 years
    No. of bottles
    Bottle volume
    Price range
    Type of spirit
    Velier ‱ Caroni 1998   24yr   56,3% Paradise #2

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    About the Caroni distillery

    The Caroni distillery is located in Trinidad. Rums from Caroni have been reviewed 7,737 times with an average of 8.8/10.

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