That Boutique-Y Rum Company Greensand Ridge Distillery 1yr 52,6%

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    How does this rum taste?

    Most frequently mentioned flavors


    Light Pastries Rose Grapefruit


    Peppery Grappa Charred Ginger


    Malt Burn Green Lemon

    How is this rum rated?

    4 reviews
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    "I did things a little differently here as I had a bottle of the apple brandy that had previously been in the rum cask. So I'm tasting them together to see what carried over. The rum definitely has some of the floral notes from the apple brandy but much more subdued. Specifically, I picked up notes of rose with a burst of grapefruit and something earthy in the background. The taste is definely influenced from the apple brandy cask. Lots of notes it'd expect from a fruit brandy. Floral like the nose but with the addition of ginger and a little peppery. The finish is round but quite short. The floral and earthy notes from the nose are back. Overall, it's a bit spirity for my tastes. I'd like to see how this would have tasted after a longer maturation time. Its definely interesting. The Apple brandy is nice too if that's your thing. Very floral and fresh."

    Photo of the rum  taken from user Decky Hicks Doughty
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    "Nose is grappa style almost with notes of alcohol and hints of lemon and cherry. The mouth is light as the colour suggests, but with a fair degree or harsh young burn and real peppery notes. Finish is unremarkable with more malt and a bit off green vegetation notes. Over time and the longer you spend with it the more it fades a little into mediocrity"

    Expert reviews

    Details about this rum

    RumX ID
    Cask number
    #Batch 1
    Made from
    1 years 6mo
    No. of bottles
    Bottle volume
    Type of spirit
    That Boutique-Y Rum Company • Greensand Ridge Distillery 1yr   52,6% None

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