
There are 9 rums from the Fruko-Schulz distillery in the RumX database.

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3.5/106 ratings
Community rating

Flavour profile of Fruko-Schulz

Most frequently mentioned flavors


Alcoholic Smoky


Coffee Toffee



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About the Fruko-Schulz distillery

The Fruko-Schulz distillery is located in Czech. Rums from Fruko-Schulz have been reviewed 6 times with an average of 3.5/10.

All rums from Fruko-Schulz

Fruko-Schulz in Your Pocket

Intrigued by the unique flavors of Fruko-Schulz rums? The RumX app takes your rum exploration to the next level. Discover even more about Fruko-Schulz and other esteemed distilleries, complete with detailed tasting notes, expert reviews, and a vibrant community of fellow rum lovers. For the true Fruko-Schulz experience, you won't want to miss our app.

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