United Kingdom

There are 340 rums from United Kingdom in the RumX database.

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Top rated United Kingdom rums

HMS Victory

Isle of Wight
RX14957   57%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumHMS Victory
8.2/10 (13)

Top review from RumTaTa:

"I'm excited about this navy rum because it's comparatively very affordable and also has a cool history that places it close to the historical navy blends. According to the label, it contains components from Guyana, Trinidad and Jamaica. In the glass, the rum shimmers a deep mahogany color. The first surprise on the nose: pine! (T.D.L sends its regards?) And lots of dried and caramelized fruit, blackberry, a little barrel and spice. There's another smell behind the Swiss stone pine that I can't place. A bit like a good '97 or '95 Clarendon perhaps. Quite peppery and tingling on the palate. Aromatically very similar to the impression of the nose plus a slight dirty note. Finish: the rum unfortunately fades quite quickly, only the herbs/pine remain present for a long time. The rum is very good and very attractive for the price. The Guyana and T.D.L parts are quite easy to recognize, but I have a hard time with Jamaica. Addition: there is an alcoholic note on the palate, like that of young rum. This doesn't surprise me, as there is certainly little/no long aged rum in the blend for the price asked."

Pirates Grog Spiced

RX1215   5yr   37,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPirates Grog Spiced
7.5/10 (13)

Top review from laurent l:

"Taste of butter and pastry. Quite sweet. Very pleasant with dessert"


That Boutique-Y Rum Company ‱ Ninefold Distillery
RX10731   1yr   59,4%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumScotland
7.5/10 (10)

Top review from Oliver:

"Interesting profile. Am curious how the barrels develop with more maturation."

500 Cuts Hand Made Spiced

Brewdog Distilling Co.
RX8189   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum500 Cuts Hand Made Spiced
7.3/10 (29)

Top review from Zucker und Zeste:

"Very tasty spiced rum. Aromatic in the direction of Falernum. But less sweet"

Burning Barn Smoked Rum

RX9155   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBurning Barn Smoked Rum
7.3/10 (13)

Top review from Dirk:

"I liked its slightly smoky note with the roasted aromas. The fruity notes tend to remain in the background for me."

Rum Merchants Double Barrel

Charles Merser & Co
RX7217   43,1%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRum Merchants Double Barrel
7.3/10 (36)

Top review from đŸ‡©đŸ‡ȘDirk LennhoffđŸ‡©đŸ‡Ș:

"Surprisingly fruity on the nose, like a large fruit cocktail. Vanilla and barrel notes on the palate. First toffee and pastry on the finish, then woody again."

Five Hundred Cuts Botanical Rum

Brewdog Distilling Co.
RX6985   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumFive Hundred Cuts Botanical Rum
7.1/10 (19)

Top review from Boletus:

"Well, I don't really know what to say about this. I really like cinnamon and allspice, but this is really too much of a good thing for me. It's also just far too sweet for my palate."

J. Gow Revenge

VS Distillers
RX9663   3yr   43%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJ. Gow Revenge
7.1/10 (25)

Top review from Michael Ihmels đŸ‡©đŸ‡Ș:

"Dieser Revenge Rum hat drei Jahre in Bourbon FĂ€ssern gelagert dieses ist auch deutlich zu erkennen. Schmeckt ganz interessant und auch ein wenig Whisky ist zu erkennen. Klar der Rum kommt aus Schottland."

Discarded Banana Peel

William Grant & Sons ‱ Discarded Spirits
RX6717   37,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumDiscarded Banana Peel
7.1/10 (36)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"Alcohol not particularly well integrated, overall somewhat artificial after rubber bananas and slightly sour. I was hoping for much more! But super tasty for cocktails and a cool idea with a zero waste background!"

Ableforth’s Rumbullion!

Atom Supplies Limited
RX921   42,6%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAbleforth’s Rumbullion!
7.0/10 (98)

Top review from Timo Groeger:

"Doesn't suit my taste either. Somehow this Drinks by the Dram tasting box is nothing. This one just tastes like Christmas. A massive overload of spices. I think it's too strong."

Red Leg Spiced Rum

RX1598   37,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRed Leg Spiced Rum
7.0/10 (25)

Top review from Henry Davies:

"It’s an overly sweetened spiced rum at a relatively low ABV. It’s hard to get very excited, syrupy and sweetness beyond anything. The nose is fairly non discript, with toffee and butterscotch. On the mouth their is cinnamon and other spices combined with stewed apple and sweet butterscotch. The finish is vanilla, chocolate and over the top cinnamon. It’s not even my top spiced rum and beyond anything else is just a sugar bomb - I honestly would avoid and struggle to drink it unless already well on my way and a few drinks in. Straight don’t even bother"

Saddlers Peaky Blinder Black Spiced Rum

RX6176   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumSaddlers Peaky Blinder Black Spiced Rum
7.0/10 (30)

Top review from rum_sk:

"Nope, you do not want this one. Could be great in coke though as all I can sense is a cola taste. Very artificial but could be of some use in cuba libre. Other than that, It's to no avail. Definitely not for neat sipping."

Dead Man’s Fingers Coffee Rum

The Rum & Crab Shack
RX6976   37,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumDead Man’s Fingers Coffee Rum
7.0/10 (11)

Top review from Timo Groeger:

"Jaaaaa, ein Dead Man Fingers :) Schmeckt ĂŒberraschenderweise nach Kaffee :) FĂŒr mich aber bislang der Beste der Dead Man Fingers, da ich diesen Kaffegeschmack einfach mag. Hat zwar mit Rum nicht viel zu tun, aber ich mags."

Dead Man’s Fingers Spiced Rum

The Rum & Crab Shack
RX1795   37,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumDead Man’s Fingers Spiced Rum
7.0/10 (48)

Top review from Lutz Lungershausen :

"06.2024 Erster Eindruck: Kaugummi? Nase: synthetisch, Frucht-Kaugummi, Orange Gaumen: sĂŒĂŸ, Orange, Muskat, GewĂŒrze, unbeeindruckend Abgang: trocken, mittellang Gesamteindruck: Nase verspricht mehr als der Gaumen halten kann. Damit möchte ich nicht mal einen Mixer versemmeln, Wertung von ursprĂŒnglich 6,0 auf 5,5 gesenkt 2023 FĂŒr 21€ bekommt man einen stark aromatisierten und gesĂŒĂŸten Mixer, der auch wegen des intensiven Kaugummi-Aromas nicht mehr viel von einem Rum hat. Ansonsten eine sĂŒffige Party-Spirituose."

Golden Rum

Matugga Distillers
RX161   42%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumGolden Rum
6.6/10 (19)

Top review from Gregor :

"Egg. Little funky. And in any case with its own signature. Fancy. Complex. Good sil"

Dead Man’s Fingers Mango Rum

The Rum & Crab Shack
RX9270   37,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumDead Man’s Fingers Mango Rum
5.8/10 (16)

Top review from Project‱Oasis:

"Very suitable for cocktails 🍾"

J. Gow Spiced Rum

VS Distillers
RX11911   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumJ. Gow Spiced Rum
5.8/10 (68)

Top review from Johannes:

"Sehr viel Zimt und Vanille."

Dead Man’s Fingers Coconut Rum

The Rum & Crab Shack
RX3161   37,5%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumDead Man’s Fingers Coconut Rum
5.0/10 (18)

Top review from Stefan Persson:

"Got a sample of it as a gift when ordering some other rum. It’s nothing I should buy. It maybe works in some kind of Coconut drink. In my opinion is it not a rum. Aromas and flavors is just coconut and sugar."

Captain Morgan Sliced Apple

RX11130   25%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumCaptain Morgan Sliced Apple
4.0/10 (13)

Top review from zabo:

"Als Experiment fĂŒr coole Sommerdrinks gekauft. War wohl die Falsche Entscheidung. Man muss zugeben, dass er in der Frauenrunde als Mixer gut ankam. FĂŒr meinen Geschmack kurz gesagt zu kĂŒnstlich und auch sehr sĂŒĂŸ. Im Winter nochmal in den Tee geschĂŒttet, o.k. da geht er dann schon als SĂŒĂŸungsmittel."

Twin Fin Spiced Golden Rum

RX8482   38%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTwin Fin Spiced Golden Rum
4.0/10 (13)

Top review from Jack M:

"Vanilla overload. Very poor. Tried to get through some as a rum and coke - nope. Best enjoyed watching it flowing down the sink in my opinion."

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890 reviews

Flavour profile of United Kingdom

Most frequently mentioned flavors


Vanilla Sweet Caramel Banana


Vanilla Sweet Spice Alcoholic


Sweet Vanilla Woody Spice

What people are saying

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