
There are 770 rums from Panama in the RumX database.

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Top rated Panama rums

Malteco Seleccion

Bodegas de America S.A
RX1908   1980   37yr   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumMalteco Seleccion
9.0/10 (14)

Top review from WiltChamberlain:

"Meanwhile, it is too thin for me."

Rumclub Private Selection Ed. 10 Don Pancho Origenes

Spirit of Rum • Las Cabras
RX535   1983   36yr   61%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRumclub Private Selection Ed. 10 Don Pancho Origenes
8.9/10 (27)

Top review from SaibotZtar :

"Heute Nochmals probiert.... Karamell, Vanille Schokolade und etwas Holz alles schön verbunden trotzdem liegt für mich der Bellamys vorn zumindest im direkten Vergleich. Schöne leichte Süße ... kann man sehr gut Trinken."

Malteco Seleccion

RX9883   1981   40yr   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumMalteco Seleccion
8.7/10 (13)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"I would have loved if this rum had a higher ABV because it's very light in the profile. This also makes it sweeter that it should have been in my mind. Fruity with nice roasted wood. Draws really nice curtains in the glass. The empty glass is really nice and I can pick up some tobacco and citrus."

Bellamy‘s Reserve Panama

Perola • Alcoholes Del Istmo
RX242   1983   37yr   61%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBellamy‘s Reserve Panama
8.7/10 (47)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"extrem rund für 37y tropical aging... geile Nummer. absoluter Ausnahme Panama Rum! im blind tasting könnte man den schnell Mal mit Demerara verwechseln. Hintenraus bekommt er ne sehr abgefahrene, leicht bittere Note nach Maggikraut und Minze und altem Sherry."

Kuna Davidoff Of Geneva Cigar Cask Finish

Varela Hermanos
RX1377   42%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumKuna Davidoff Of Geneva Cigar Cask Finish
8.6/10 (28)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"A nice surprise with a lot of smoke on the nose and barely any smoke on the palate. The barrel is there from nose to finish. Pretty well balanced. The price is pretty high for such a young rum."

Malteco Seleccion

Bodegas de America S.A
RX4977   1990   27yr   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumMalteco Seleccion
8.6/10 (10)

Top review from Michal S:

"Very smooth, I would have preferred a slightly higher alcohol content. The aroma is not very pronounced, the taste is more interesting - chocolatey, with nuts and vanilla."

Panama Rum - BA WB Sweetwine Cask

El Ron del Artesano
RX8460   10yr   58,6%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPanama Rum - BA WB Sweetwine Cask
8.5/10 (11)

Top review from SaibotZtar :

"Very tasty 😁"


Silver Seal
RX3992   2001   17yr   51%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPanama
8.5/10 (21)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"Once rested this becomes a pretty good release. Fruity and nutty with wood and very light roasted notes. I like the caramel in the profile because it's subtle but adds something to the profile. Balanced and oily on the palate and very nice curtains in the glass. The empty glass was amazing after an hour or so."

24 years Cask Strength

El Ron del Artesano
RX7805   24yr   53,9%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum24 years Cask Strength
8.4/10 (12)

Top review from SaibotZtar :

"Mmh es ist schon ein guter Panama Rum das steht außer Frage... Leider finde ich das Finish sehr sehr Dominant es erschlägt das grund Produkt geradezu... das ist sehr schade weil der 24y eigentlich sehr lecker ist und kein Finish braucht"

Zafra Master Series Aged 30 Years

Las Cabras
RX1143   1985   30yr   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumZafra Master Series Aged 30 Years
8.4/10 (38)

Top review from Stefan Persson:

"The best sweet Spanish styled I’ve ever tasted and of course it is from Panama which seems to be my favorite country of origin when it comes to sweet Spanish rum. Hard to see that any other should beat it."

20 Years - Rare Proof - Small Batch Distilled

RX6238   1999   20yr   48,4%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rum20 Years - Rare Proof - Small Batch Distilled
8.4/10 (24)

Top review from Stefan Persson:

"Tastes a lot like the 1996 version, but less powerful flavors and a little sweeter. I prefer the 1996 version. The nose is fruity and woody with aromas of vanilla and oak. At the palate and during the rather long finish it’s complex, sweet, fruity and spicy with flavors of vanilla and oak."

Panama Rum - Sweetwine Cask

El Ron del Artesano
RX11394   24yr   55,8%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPanama Rum - Sweetwine Cask
8.3/10 (30)

Top review from Oliver:

"The finish suits the rum very well and brings in its very own note. Sweet, but not too much. An exciting Spaniard!"

Wild Series Rum Panama No. 24 (Batch 2)

RX12582   1999   22yr   63,7%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumWild Series Rum Panama No. 24 (Batch 2)
8.3/10 (27)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"First off. You get a pretty good rum for your money. Panamanian rums are usually kind of subtle or mellow with some marzipan in the profile. This one however has that extra boom that you often want. The rum is nice and warm on the palate with light fruit and nice wood. I like the light caramel and menthol on the palate. The finish is long and warm and sticks with you for a good while."

Rumclub Private Selection Ed. 03 Don Pancho Origenes

Spirit of Rum • Alcoholes Y Rones de Panama SA
RX817   18yr   45%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRumclub Private Selection Ed. 03 Don Pancho Origenes
8.2/10 (12)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"Here you get a lot for your money. A great rum though a tad sweet but still very good. Intense yet complex with a hint of smoke on the nose. I like the fact that the palate is different from the nose, not a lot but enough to wake your interest. The palate and finish is warm and spicy with wood, vanilla and fruits and a hint of tobacco."

Plantation Single Cask

Maison Ferrand • Alcoholes Del Istmo
RX1128   1992   27yr   51,1%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPlantation Single Cask
8.1/10 (36)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"Pretty OK rum especially considering the price tag. "

Plantation Specialy selected for Heinemann Duty Free Shop

Maison Ferrand • Alcoholes Del Istmo
RX16529   1996   26yr   49%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPlantation Specialy selected for Heinemann Duty Free Shop
8.1/10 (13)

Top review from primus:

"Klassischer Panama Rum, so wie man ihn erwartet. Leichte getrocknete Früchte in der Nase, ansonsten ein holzig-schokoladiges Profil mit Vanille und Karamell. Preis/Leistungsverhältnis so lala, dafür zu wenig Persönlichkeit"

Panama Rum - Amativo Cask

El Ron del Artesano
RX14582   2010   12yr   58,4%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPanama Rum - Amativo Cask
8.1/10 (12)

Top review from Christian Rudt:

"Update 150624: Flasche fast leer die Aromen Haben sich prächtig entwickelt das Finish ist tatsächlich beeindruckend gut gelungen und der Rum ein toller komplexer Begleiter am Abend 👍 mehr davon! +3 Punkte! ------------------ Artesano hat sich auf Finishes spezialisiert und so haben wir auch hier ein schönes Fass. Der dazugehörige Wein an sich ist schon toll. Dessen Aromen finden sich hier denn auch sehr gut wieder und binden den Rum schön ein. Die 58 Prozent verstecken sich nicht machen aber Spaß. Etwas komplexer könnte es gerne sein aber an Pot still Destillation wird ja schon gearbeitet und man kann natürlich auch nicht jeden Rum 20+ Jahre im Fass reifen lassen. Schon erstaunlich wie viel man aus einem guten Fass herausholen kann."

Tamosi Tiba

Levy Lane
RX10375   2008   13yr   57%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumTamosi Tiba
8.1/10 (41)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"Very unusual Panama! Funky, dirty and intense after cola crackers, bacon, burnt rubber, bicycle inner tube and spices like allspice and star anise.... Almost reminds me of Caroni somehow?! I like exceptionally well and is finally times what else from Panama."

Panama 10y (Batch 2)

RX16599   2012   10yr   54%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPanama 10y (Batch 2)
8.1/10 (10)

Top review from zabo:

"Edit: Hab nochmal unvoreingenommen verkostet. Tolles Projekt, dabei bleib ich. Aber das Finish ist mir einfach doch zu dominant. Der Grundstoff geht leider etwas zu sehr unter. Deshalb leider nach unten korrigiert. Zuerst aller größten Respekt an Jarek und Flo1977. Danke das ich diesen mit als erster probieren durfte. Die Bewertung entstand zusammen mit meiner Frau. Da ich leicht angeschlagen bin, kann mein Geschmack ein wenig etwas falsch interpretiert haben. Also die erste Nase war Rotwein, Weinbrand, Traube und ein Hauch Desinfektionsmittel und Fass. Geschmack dominiert der Rotwein, trocken, leichte Schärfe(schwarzer Pfeffer), salzig, holzig, Fass, säuerlich und ein wenig astrigend, denoch weich, rund, aber süffig. Alkohol gut eingebunden. Im Abgang habe ich nochmal einen süßen Apfel rausgeschmeckt. Je länger er im Glas ruht umso säuerlicher wird er. Meine Bewertung ist nicht unbedingt objektiv, da beide zur Nürnberg/Herzogenaurach Community gehören. Also seht es mir bitte nach. Es gibt einfach Bonus Punkte für den Mut allein, so ein Projekt aufzubauen und zum Ergebnis zu bringen. Und das nebenbei in der Freizeit."

Bellamy‘s Reserve Panama

Perola • Las Cabras
RX10559   1997   24yr   52,3%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBellamy‘s Reserve Panama
8.1/10 (11)

Top review from crazyforgoodbooze:

"Nase: geröstete Haselnüsse, Nougat, Vanille, getrocknete Aprikose, Bourbon, mild und warm, butterkekse, fass, orangenschale + Marmelade Geschmack: nuss Nougat Creme zum trinken mit Bums🤤 alkohol sehr gut integriert, fass, datteln, orangenschale, Orangenmarmelade, dunkle zartbitterschokolade, kakao, kräftiger espresso, vanilleschote, ahornsirup, pekannüsse, etwas tabak im abgang, jaffa cakes in flüssig, falls die noch wer kennt? Zartbitterschoko, biscuit keks und orangenmarmelade drin? auf jeden Fall richtig leckerer Stoff!🤤 könnte blind glatt als Single Barrel Bourbon durch gehen! PLV könnte besser sein. Dennoch ein perfekter sipping Rum und auch sicher gut zur Zigarre geeignet."

S.B.S Panama

1423 World Class Spirits
RX19585   2006   18yr   57%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumS.B.S Panama
8.1/10 (13)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"#4671 22.03.2024 Tasting arranged by Romdeluxe and presented by Parminder S. Bhatia one of the owners of 1423. Nose Wood, light roasted, fruits, plum, spice, light caramel, nutts, light glue. Palate Oily, wood, light roasted, naturally sweet, spicy, nutts, fruits, prunes, light caramel. Finish Medium to long, sweet, wood, prunes, nutts."

The Nectar Of The Daily Drams Panama

The Nectar • Varela Hermanos
RX16459   2007   16yr   60,7%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumThe Nectar Of The Daily Drams Panama
8.1/10 (13)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"#4824 26.08.2024 A nice evening with both old and new faces in Odense. Nose Wood, light roasted, cherry, vanilla, light caramel, banana, light nutts. Palate Medium intense, wood, warm, faint smoke, cherry, spice, light caramel, naturally sweet. Finish Medium long, warm, banana, light tannins, wood, faint chocolate, dried fruit,"


Whisky & Rhum • Don José
RX3788   2004   13yr   61,4%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumL‘Esprit
8.1/10 (11)

Top review from Oliver:

"Beautiful representative of the Spanish style. A very pleasant sweetness paired with power and intensity. I like it very much, only the alcohol could be a little better integrated."

Abuelo XII Two Oaks

Varela Hermanos
RX588   12yr   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAbuelo XII Two Oaks
8.0/10 (152)

Top review from Stefan Persson:

"Got this 5cl sample in my second batch from Rum Ratings Tasting Club and participated in the virtual tasting yesterday. The Abuelo XII Two Oaks is a 12yo rum stored in two different types of oak barrels. First on traditional Tennessee whiskey / bourbon casks during 11 years, and then a final storage on deep-fried casks of new American white oak. It’s produced from both molasses and sugar cane juice by Varela Hermanos. The sugar content is 24 gpl, so it’s sweet but not extremely sweet."

Abuelo XV Oloroso

Varela Hermanos
RX559   <14yr   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAbuelo XV Oloroso
8.0/10 (73)

Top review from Stefan Persson:

"Got a sample of this in my second batch from Rum Ratings Tasting Club and participated in the virtual tasting yesterday. The Abuelo XV Oloroso is 15 years old and is first matured in American oak casks to be finished in Oloroso Sherry casks. Overall it’s very sweet, natural or not, read somewhere that a hydrometer test gave 44 gpl. The finish is medium long. "

Rumclub Private Selection Ed. 47

Spirit of Rum • Alcoholes Y Rones de Panama SA
RX21290   2013   11yr   64,2%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumRumclub Private Selection Ed. 47
8.0/10 (23)

Top review from Jakob:

"Überraschend fruchtig in der Nase, sehr angenehme Aromatik. Am Gaumen ausgewogen, schöne Melange aus Früchten, Vanille, Holz und dezenten Gewürznoten. Entspannt zu trinken, prima PLV."

Auténtico Nativo 20 Años

RX2947   20yr   40%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAuténtico Nativo 20 Años
8.0/10 (25)

Top review from Timo Groeger:

"Oh wow, this rum is simply delicious. The very first sip is simply a pleasure. Very smooth, there's no nasty aftertaste or anything. It tastes a little leathery, but totally delicious."

Auténtico Nativo Overproof

RX3872   54%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumAuténtico Nativo Overproof
8.0/10 (17)

Top review from rum_sk:

"Direct competitor of Compañero Panama with same abv, same ,,chocolate,, taste and I thought they would be one and the same. They almost are, except Auténtico Nátivo is better. It's less harsh, softer in taste, more round and exceptionally balanced. There was something in Compañero's taste that was irritating me. I don't find anything irritating with this rum. This one is easily the best chocolate overproof rum. Period. There is also an element of spiciness to it. The only negative is very short aftertaste. PS: Try to pair it with a chocolate of your preference ;) I paired mine with dark chocolate with pieces of sour fruit in it and it was really amazing."

Bocatheva Rum of Panama

BBC Spirit
RX11562   6yr   45%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumBocatheva Rum of Panama
8.0/10 (14)

Top review from w00tAN:

"Ziemlich fruchtig in der Nase am Ende Nagellack ;) sehr ungewöhnlich für Panama Im Mund dann mild würzig und ziemlich süß. Schmeckt fast nachgezuckert … Alles in allem trotzdem ziemlich süffig und ein wirklich schöner Sipper aber leider nicht mit dem Prädikat sehr gut, wenn ihr mich fragt. Edit: Heute noch mal probiert. Weitere kleine Abwertung."

The Cannoneer’s Explosive

Calico‘s Crew
RX997   8yr   48%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumThe Cannoneer’s Explosive
8.0/10 (16)

Top review from BjörnNi 🥃:

"Top "

Panama (Bottled for Germany)

Compagnie des Indes • Secrete
RX478   2008   11yr   61,2%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPanama (Bottled for Germany)
8.0/10 (21)

Top review from zabo:

"Hatte anfangs ein wenig Bedenken, da mir mittlerweile das Profil aus Panama gar nicht mehr so zusagt. Wurde hier aber positiv überrascht. War ein guter Begleiter zu einer Zigarre. Umso länger er im Glas war, desto besser wurde er. Zum sehr gut, hat es aber leider denoch nicht gereicht."

Plantation Panama One-Time Terravera

Maison Ferrand • Don José
RX17012   2010   13yr   51,4%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPlantation Panama One-Time Terravera
8.0/10 (36)

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:

"#4282 06.10.2023 Yet another One Time release that is doing pretty well. The price tag is really good compared to what you get. A medium light profile with nice fruit, caramel and light wood. The palate is spicy/warm with nice fruit. The finish is medium long and spicy with light dryness to it. The caramel in the profile is pretty nice. Draws nice curtains in the glass. The empty glass has some chocolate, nuts and very light marzipan."

Panama Rum - Virgin Oak Cask

El Ron del Artesano
RX13276   2010   12yr   57%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPanama Rum - Virgin Oak Cask
8.0/10 (11)

Top review from Andi:

"Wunderbarer Panama Rum, trocken Früchte, Holz Aromen, Schokolade und Vanille mit einer angenehmen süße die man mit Rum aus Panama verbindet. Den Alkohol spürt man schon, er ist definitiv präsent und nicht super gut eingebunden. Macht Spaß zu sippen."

Panama Rum 21 Años

El Ron del Artesano
RX8150   1999   21yr   55,7%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPanama Rum 21 Años
8.0/10 (11)

Top review from Johannes:

"Schön süffiger Rum, dem aber das gewisse etwas fehlt. Im Abgang etwas zu viel Column Stil bemerkbar."

Panama Rum Recioto Cask Finish

El Ron del Artesano
RX1712   13yr   60,9%
Image of the front of the bottle of the rumPanama Rum Recioto Cask Finish
8.0/10 (16)

Top review from Galli33:

"I got my hands on a sample from this one. In the nose i can‘t found some specific notes from panama… The alcohol isn’t integrated well and the 60% are well notable as well the barrel. Anyway I expected a bit more from this. PN: This isn‘t a daily rum!"

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6,311 reviews

Flavour profile of Panama

Most frequently mentioned flavors


Vanilla Caramel Woody Fruity


Vanilla Sweet Caramel Woody


Woody Vanilla Caramel Sweet

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