The Whisky Jury
There are 41 rums from The Whisky Jury in the RumX database.
Show all rums from The Whisky JuryTop rated rums from The Whisky Jury
Jamaica Rum C<>H

Top review from Gunnar BĂśhme "Bauerngaumen" đ¤:
"Brine, old cooking fat, nail polish remover, fermented fruit. What doesn't sound very tempting is a finely balanced, highly complex wealth of aromas that make up a high-quality rum. Astringency just tolerable, but too much acidity in the finish for me. Therefore not top of the league for me."
Spiritsproject Rum from Jamaica C<>H

Top review from Kevin Sorensen đŠđ°:
"16.09.2022 Going through samples at home. Notes Medium dark in colour. Nose Medium intense, fresh, light wood, fruity, overripe, light citrus, light varnish, balanced, ester. Palate Medium intense, oily, light wood, fruity, overripe, banana, ester, light varnish, light licorice, faint coconut, light olive, faint salt. Finish Very long and warm, balanced, light wood, fruity, light mango, oily, spice, medium dry, light olive."

Top review from Jakob:
"Classic profile of the 1988 Enmores, heavy dark fruits meet wood, leather and spice. Holds its own in direct comparison with other releases of the vintage very successfully, only the last tick of intensity is missing something for me."
Mden C<>H

Top review from Kevin Sorensen đŠđ°:
"#4695 07.04.2024 Relaxing with a few samples. Nose Intense, balanced, glue, fruity, pineapple, ester, earthy, faint chocolate, light wood. Palate Intense, balanced, light salt, fruity, light citrus, faint earthy, pineapple, ester, spicy, light roasted wood. Finish Very long and spicy, light roasted wood, vegetal, pineapple. The empty glass has stronger glue and also melon notes. Very good ABV integration and overall good balance."
The Manu face of rums Trinidad Rum

Top review from TheRhumhoe:
"A benchmark for TDL 2003, this rum takes us on an extraordinary olfactory journey. Menthol and flowers (rose in particular) intoxicate us with their freshness, while fruit (blackcurrant, blackberry, tropical fruit, lychee, peach) exhilarates the nostrils. There's a dirty tire and rubber quality reminiscent of Caroni. Wood and spice are also well balanced in the background. A complete, intense and delicious olfactory profile. The attack on the palate is one of the most intense floral displays, fresh and almost medicinal with notes of menthol and eucalyptus. Fruit is legion, with tropical fruit (lychee, mango, passion fruit), yellow fruit (peach), black fruit (blackcurrant, blackberry) and dried fruit. The rubber combines well with the spicy oak, which doesn't take on too much. The alcohol is superbly well integrated. An infinitely round, complex, elegant profile that makes you want to return to it instantly. The finish is close to infinite, floral, fresh, fruity as it should be on the same markers with a little dirty and rubbery touch, caramel and a light woodiness. All of which leaves an indelible impression on the palate. An absolutely magnificent bottling that allows The Whisky Jury to play in the big league, and TDL to assert itself as the revival of Trinidad."
The Many Faces of Rum C<>H

Top review from SaibotZtar :
"RumX Adventskalender Tag 5 Nase ... Yeaaaaa das ist was fĂźr mich. Volle Power Ester Klebstoff Tropische , Buttersäure ,FrĂźchte (Ananas, Banane Papaya Mango) Marzipan... herrlich đ Am Gaumen sehr ähnlich der Nase ein junger Wilder mit viel Power super Fruchtig mit schĂśn Marzipan-Gebäck . Richtig lecker ... Abgang lang Fruchtig und leicht Bitter ."

Top review from Gunnar BĂśhme "Bauerngaumen" đ¤:
"Wow, it's delicious! Absolutely round, spicy and strong to the point, reinforced at the end by mint leaves soaked in oil, wonderful! Thanks again to Saibot for the great sample, bun enthusiastic!"
The Many Faces Of Rum (MACAU EXCLUSIVE)

Top review from Gunnar BĂśhme "Bauerngaumen" đ¤:
"A very pleasant, probably rare TDL with all the typical markers, but in my opinion none of them stand out, so the rum is finely balanced. However, I find this TDL lacks a bit of oomph overall, the originality of RdL No. 42 (RX15565), for example. For me, TWJ's bottling is a solid mid-range TDL in a bottle with another wonderful design. Update 2024-09-17: After tasting RX20026 yesterday, I just had to pour myself RX21416 again today for comparison and can now say that the 5 points more for the RX21416 are justified in my eyes. Although the rum doesn't offer quite as much warm fruit on the nose as RX20026, it has significantly more mint and menthol on the palate and therefore more typical TDL DNA - I like that."
Rum Trinidad

Top review from Kevin Sorensen đŠđ°:
"02-09.04.2022 This was crazy week, where some friends and I rented a nice summerhouse on Rømø. The plan was to go nuts for a whole week with different rums without going overboard. The final agreement came to 6 rums a day and then enjoy nice walks or ferry rides during the day. Day 4 Notes Medium dark in colour. Nose Light wood, light workshop, light olive, faint chocolate, light cherry. Palate Oily, light wood, light tannins, faint coffee, light chocolate, faint coffee, faint salt. Finish Medium long, light wood, faint chocolate, light tannins, faint earthy, faint coffee. Extra note. Needs to rest for a good while to make the ABV settle properly."
The Many Faces of Rum

Top review from DomM:
"Complex and rich nose. It clearly shows its age with dark and woody notes. Still it has a freshness with fruits and menthol notes (not fresh mint) making for a nice mix overall. Similar performance on the palate: clearly shows its age but retains enough liveliness to deliver an excellent example of the profile. Wood, tea, herbs and some fruits with a long minty finish. Nice!"
The Many Faces Of Rum

Top review from DomM:
"Very nice on the nose! This definitely gravitates towards the beloved profile of the 2000s bottlings. Mint, herbs, plenty of tropical fruits with some sweetness and vanilla notes. The very same is true for the notes on the palate. Brilliant cask selection from TWJ."
WP 2007

Top review from Rodolphe:
"A beautiful worthy park nose. Beautiful fruitiness combined with a more pastry-like structure. Elegant finesse. The alcohol stings the nostrils a little and suggests that it's going to sting on the palate, and it does. I'm really having more and more trouble with the 60% stuff... A little water makes it more drinkable and pleasant. Otherwise, apart from this little problem for me, it's a nice worthy park. Thanks Mike for the sample."
The Road Rummers HD Jamaican Rum DOK

Top review from Kevin Sorensen đŠđ°:
"02-09.04.2022 This was crazy week, where some friends and I rented a nice summerhouse on Rømø. The plan was to go nuts for a whole week with different rums without going overboard. The final agreement came to 6 rums a day and then enjoy nice walks or ferry rides during the day. Day 2 Notes Light in colour. Nose Intense, ester, light wood, fruity, light glue, overripe, pineapple. Palate Intense, warm, ester, medium dry, fruity, light orange, banana, balanced, faint smoke. Finish Very long and warm, ester, faint rubber, faint wood, faint chocolate. Extra note. Needs to rest for a good while to release all its wonderful flavours. ABV pretty well integrated."
The Many Faces Of Rum

Top review from Gunnar BĂśhme "Bauerngaumen" đ¤:
"Feine Parallelverkostung RX20517 und RX21400 Beide 2009er, beide 13 Jahre, beide um die 63%. Mßssten sich also ähnlich sein. Ja, fßr die Nase stimmt das: beide leicht minzig, der TWJ etwas rauchiger, der Roots etwas holziger. Aber was fßr ein Unterschied am Gaumen! Der TWJ ist wirklich super nice, mit perfekter TDL-DNA, schÜn ausgewogen und minzig. Der Roots aber ist brachial! Minze pur. Fordert die Zunge richtig heraus. Es britzelt. Das mag ich sehr! Fazit: Es tut mir ein bisschen leid fßr den sehr guten TWJ, aber der knallende Roots ist der eindeutige Gewinner des Abends."
The Many Faces Of Rum (Exclusive for Care For Craft Spirits)

Top review from zabo:
"Notizen und Bewertung werden vervollständigt, wenn alle Samples verschickt sind. Edit: Meines Erachtens seine sehr gute Abfßllung, aber denoch vermisse ich den gewissen Kick, was ihn in die hÜchsten Kreise heben wßrde."
The Many Faces of Rum NYE/HM

Top review from zabo:
"After this was spontaneously opened for a MaiTai with DomM, because a few cl were missing for a "strong MaiTai", it was tasted again pure. Conclusion: it's already very good in a MaiTai. Neat, I classify it as one of the weakest New Yarmouth 2009s, having already had a few in my glass. But that really doesn't mean that it's bad, but let's see how the open bottle develops over time."
The Duo - Jamaica Rum

Top review from zabo:
"In my opinion, the Long Pond is pushed into the background here. You can hardly recognize anything of the Long Pond. Even after some time in the glass, it is only faintly discernible. The 2014 Hampden is typical of the vintage as far as I can remember, but doesn't stand out either. Pleasant blend, but unfortunately nothing more"
The Many Faces Rum (Spirits Project)

Top review from zabo:
"SchĂśne AbfĂźllung, besser als gedacht. Klare Marker aus Barbados erkennbar. SchĂśner Rum von Mount Gay, macht Lust auf mehr. Sowas pur als auch als Mixer sehr interessant. Vielen Dank an SaibotZtar dass du mich Ăźberzeugt hast ein Sample davon zu nehmen. War eine gute Entscheidung. Aber fĂźr mich als Foursquare Fanboy doch ein Mount Gay, weil es ja mal diese Irritationen gab."
The Ester Hunter (catch 1) <>H

Top review from SaibotZtar :
"Very tasty typical Hampden nose lots of mango banana papaya and some marzipan/almond. Nice fruit esters . Alcohol very well integrated. On the palate Alcohol also relatively well integrated here. Mango pineapple papaya dominate, no surprises but for me very tasty and successful. Mai Tai test is still pending."

Top review from Kevin Sorensen đŠđ°:
"02-09.04.2022 This was crazy week, where some friends and I rented a nice summerhouse on Rømø. The plan was to go nuts for a whole week with different rums without going overboard. The final agreement came to 6 rums a day and then enjoy nice walks or ferry rides during the day. Day 7 Notes Medium dark in colour. Nose Fresh, light wood, faint smoke, fruity, light pineapple, light apple, light caramel, spice. Palate Warm, medium spicy, light citrus, light wood, light caramel, light ginger, apple, light floral. Finish Medium long, wood, fruity, medium spicy, faint chocolate, light citrus."
The Many Faces of Rum

Top review from DomM:
"Nice and classic Fidji nose. Delivering all you would want around plastic, dirt, some vetegal and fruity notes. Similar picture on the palate, yet less fruity with more sweetness than expected. Texture is very nice and creamy. Good stuff, only complexity on the palate could be a bit higher."
The Many Faces of Rum

Top review from Thunderbird:
"This is Versailles as he likes! Despite the long storage, the wood is not too dominant, herbs, leather, vanilla, anise and covertly some dried fruit are perceptible. In addition, clearly also pencil shavings. Creamy and soft, the alcohol is perfectly integrated. Only the complexity is missing, but that is complaining at a high level."
The Many Faces of Rum (TASTâTOE)

Top review from Leo KrĂźper:
"Top HGML, Top PLV. So mÜchte man Hampdens haben. Kräftiger, junger Jamaikaner, der sofort die volle Power aufs Parkett bringt. Versteckt sich nicht, recht eindimensional. Hampden Liebhaber werden ihn toll finden, Andere eher nicht so."
Nanayang Whisky Singapore

Top review from Thunderbird:
"Ein angenehmer milder PM, jedoch mehr auf der holzigen Seite. Mir gefällt es, dßrfte aber nicht jedermanns Geschmack treffen. In der Nase nehme ich zudem etwas rote Frucht und Anis wahr. Gleiches am Gaumen und minimal Olive, neben dem dominanten Holz. So endet auch der Abgang."
The Many Faces of Rum STCâ¤ď¸E

Top review from DomM:
"Pleasantly surprised on the nose. This is much more balanced than I expected given the low age. Very nice hints of marzipan and honey alongside quite some intense tropical fruits. Yet there are also some herbs and a solid pinch of chemical notes like glue and nailpolish. On the palate it also starts of quite nice and approachable with wood, fruits and bit of ester-ey goodness. Towards the finish, however, it does show its young(er) age with some harshness and a very woody and bitter finish, missing out on the decent complexity from the start. Positively surprised by this one, overall."
The Many Faces of Rum

Top review from Jakob:
"Interesting profile that definitely shows its age, but without being overpowering. Chocolate and dried fruit aromas add some sweetness, but remain in the background due to the barrel aromas, milk coffee, leathery meat notes and fresh fruit aromas. Well-balanced and easy to drink, delicious, just a little too little pointed in the individual aromas, which is somewhat at the expense of complexity."
The Duo Chapter 2

Top review from zabo:
"Edit: tried it again in MaiTai and CubaLibre until the bottlekill. There it convinced me more than pure, so it was allowed to take the hurdle to very good. Very good performance for the price as a mixer I bought it for the price, but I wasn't really convinced by it. After a long time in the glass, it developed an off note for me, which unfortunately I can't pinpoint exactly, but it still bothers me. I was also a little enthusiastic at first, but after tasting it several times, it simply ends up as a mixer."
The Ester Hunter (catch 2)

Top review from SaibotZtar :
"The merger of Hampden and Reunion was not a perfect economic fit here. It is very unbalanced and clearly lacking in quality. Of course you can taste Hampden with fruitiness and esters and also the GA somehow, but somehow it doesn't really fit, maybe the finish gives the blend the rest. Quite passable as a mixer đ"
Community reviews of The Whisky Jury
Most bottled by The Whisky Jury
- Hampden 15 rums
- T.D.L 7 rums
- South Pacific 3 rums
- Bellevue 2 rums
- Long Pond 2 rums
- Clarendon 1 rum
- Enmore 1 rum
- Port Mourant 1 rum
All rums bottled by The Whisky Jury
- The Whisky Jury Hampden The Many Faces of Rum C<>H 2007 15yr 62,3% RX15196
- The Whisky Jury Long Pond The Many Faces of Rum STCâ¤ď¸E 2015 7yr 62,2% RX19574
- The Whisky Jury South Pacific The Many Faces of Rum 2012 11yr 57,5% RX19577
- The Whisky Jury Long Pond 2005 15yr 62,1% RX9868
- The Whisky Jury T.D.L The Many Faces of Rum 2003 19yr 62,7% RX15670
- The Whisky Jury New Yarmouth The Many Faces of Rum NYE/HM 2009 13yr 61,6% RX19575
- The Whisky Jury The Many Faces of Rum 1978 44yr 56,6% RX17933
- The Whisky Jury The Duo Chapter 2 2017 2yr - 6yr 50,7% RX20536