The Rum Mercenary & Kintra
There are 25 rums from The Rum Mercenary & Kintra in the RumX database.
Show all rums from The Rum Mercenary & KintraTop rated rums from The Rum Mercenary & Kintra
Sample X Enmore

Top review from Rowald Sweet Empire:
"Very great complex Enmore. Floral/flowers. The whole deal. Lighty subtle flavours. Got a bottle of this. Yay! Second taste, after I got the bottle: First of all this is very well priced for a 20yr old enmore. 120-140€. Nose: subtle fruity flavours. Some hay. Give it time to open up. Anise Taste: same. Yellow fruits. Everything here is delicate. Don't drink heavy or woody rums before this. It'll kill the palate."
Sample X LongPond LPS

Top review from Adrian Wahl:
"I just stand on LPS! For me, one of the bottlings in 2021. Mega great bottling together with the Duchess LPS, of course, therefore, the same rating, since it is the same cask. Legendary mark."
Sample X The Travellers Distillery

Top review from Mirko Frosini 🇮🇪:
"I picked up this rum inspired by the positive reviews, but was disappointed given the price (96 euros, but I would sell it no more than 40). A good Spanish rum, but just not in my league. Sweet at high proof, no surprises from the aromas other than some coconut notes and a distant back taste of barrel. The alcohol is not well integrated."
Sample Seventeen (Work in Progress)

Top review from SaibotZtar :
"Leckerer junger Hampden. In der Nase Ananas, Mango, Banane etwas Holz ...Buttersäure und Klebstoff ,Alkohol kaum spürbar. Am Gaumen füllt es den Mund wunderbar aus mmh Frucht Ester Bombe Platzt förmlich im Mund hier auch sofort Banane, Ananas, Mango und reichlich Uhu 😅... ich schmecke allerdings gerade im Abgang auch eine Bitterkeit und Holz was mich an Virgin Oak erinnert (zum Glück nur leicht) PLV muss erwähnt werden Absolut Top !!!!"
Sample X Foursquare Distillery

Top review from Dr.Django:
"Today a comparison between two Foursquare: 1st Sample X (Kintra) Single Cask, 59.8%: A decent Foursquare. Easy sipper with the well-known typical Foursquare aromas. 2nd Ferroni Barbade 2012 63.4%: Typical Ferroni, very intense. All the aromas of the previously mentioned Foursquare are also present here, only much more intense. The alcohol is unfortunately not very well integrated, but this one is still fun."
Sample X Lluidas Vale

Top review from Rowald Sweet Empire:
"A very well aged full flavoured Worthy Park. In fact if you like WP you can't go wrong with this. It packs a little sting at 56% abv but also all the bananas, overripe plums and flowers. I believe it's around 75eu which is well well worth it. Retaste: all of the above. Very floral. Greatness!"
Sample X

Top review from Christian Rudt:
"Sample wieder gefunden und geleert am 10.8.24 Es gibt zwei Punkte drauf, der Rum bietet einfach soviel Komplexität und diese einzigartige chili Note, die mich auch heute hungrig macht der Rum schreit geradezu nach Food Pairing. Ich würde sagen es braucht mehr davon - vielleicht zwei, drei Jahre länger gelagert aber bitte gebt uns mehr 🙏 Erstverkostung: In der Nase eine echte tropische Fruchtbombe leider der Alkohol zu stark zu spüren. Am Gaumen dann beim ersten Schluck völlig abgefahrenes Durcheinander Chili, Kiwi, Mango. Aber das ganze eher sehr ungezähmt und wenig rund. Beim zweiten Schluck überwiegt am Gaumen die Würze, doch dann kehrt dieser eigenwillige Chili-scharfe Fruchtgeschmack zurück. Definitiv einen Versuch wert diese Abfüllung, sehr eigenwillig. Jetzt hab ich Hunger, wo ist mein Wok? 🌶️🥭"
Sample X Sample Eleven Special Edition (Salon du Rhum)

Top review from zabo:
"Also für den Preis kann man definitiv nichts sagen. Nur der Alkohol ist nur anfangs ein wenig mehr als präsent. Mit ein wenig Zeit im Glss wird es aber besser. Als Mixer gibt er auch eine gute Figur ab."
Sample X 9 Years

Top review from Kevin Sorensen 🇩🇰:
"04.02.2023 Enjoying a few samples at home. Colour Light in colour. Nose Light wood, faint polish, light fruits, faint herbal, faint melon, faint orange, light mint. Palate Medium spicy, light wood, light orange, faint leather, light mint, cardamom, faint polish. Finish Medium to long, light wood, light mint, light citrus, cardamom, light herbal."
Sample X 9 Years

Top review from Jakob:
"Clearly recognizable proximity to the Barikenn Port Mourant 2012, although this release is still a bit younger on the nose: The focus here is clearly more on the fresh fruit aromas and the light lactic acid note, the wood is again clearly less present. A bit more fruity on the palate, but a combination of bitter roasted notes and alcoholic spiciness comes through now. The integration of the alcohol is not optimal, so this rather cutting note unfortunately remains a constant companion in the mouth and finish. The rest of the aromatics again bring spices, light minerality and subtle sweetness into play; unfortunately, this doesn't do much to change the basic imbalance. Too bad - a dilution would actually have been interesting here. An attempt with a few drops of water actually brings a slight improvement in my subjective perception, but this trick can no longer change the overall verdict decisively."
Sample Eleven Blended Rum

Top review from Tschusikowsky:
"Tasted as a blind sample. Thanks Adrian 🙏🏼So right I could not classify him. I meant reltaiv much Enmore to have tasted out. But with the funk of tropical fruit that comes through, it didn't quite fit. On the palate, relatively weak, though complex and quite a bit to discover. Certainly a very good PLV. Quite pleasing rum."
Community reviews of The Rum Mercenary & Kintra
Most bottled by The Rum Mercenary & Kintra
- Hampden 2 rums
- Worthy Park 2 rums
- Enmore 1 rum
- Caroni 1 rum
- Demerara Distillers Ltd 1 rum
- Port Mourant 1 rum
- Saint James 1 rum
- Labourdonnais 1 rum
All rums bottled by The Rum Mercenary & Kintra
- The Rum Mercenary & Kintra Bonne Mère Sample X 59,6% RX12022
- The Rum Mercenary & Kintra Travellers Sample X The Travellers Distillery 2007 13yr 61,8% RX9898
- The Rum Mercenary & Kintra Clarendon Sample X The Clarendon Distillery 2006 14yr 63,2% RX9860
- The Rum Mercenary & Kintra Hampden Sample Seventeen 60,5% RX8441
- The Rum Mercenary & Kintra Hampden Sample Seventeen (Work in Progress) 1yr 60,5% RX15533
- The Rum Mercenary & Kintra Foursquare Sample X Foursquare Distillery 2007 13yr 59,8% RX9951
- The Rum Mercenary & Kintra Worthy Park Sample X Lluidas Vale 2010 12yr 56,8% RX12511
- The Rum Mercenary & Kintra Sample Eleven Blended Rum 27yr 44% RX790