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Jack Tar Caroni Old Music! Series Parang Edition 1996 22yr 64,3%

The "Old Music! Series Parang Edition" was produced in Trinidad at the Caroni distillery. It was selected and bottled by the independent bottler Jack Tar. It was distilled in 1996 from Molasses and then aged for 22 years. The rum has an ABV of 64,3%.

5 community members rated this rum with an average of 7.3/10. The rum smells like Creme brulee, Oak and Milk chocolate, and on the palate there is Rubber, Syrupy and Creme brulee.

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The author Steffen Mayer with his book 100% Trinidad Rum

CARONI - 100% Trinidad Rum

Discover the fascination of the closed Caroni Distillery on over 1136 pages with a total weight of 9.4kg - a real masterpiece by Steffen Mayer!

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How does this rum taste?

Most frequently mentioned flavors


Creme brulee Oak Milk chocolate Vanilla Cream Tropical fruit


Rubber Syrupy Creme brulee Honey Oak Milk chocolate


Oak Yellow fruits Tropical fruit Cappuccino Creme brulee Honey

Community reviews

7.3/105 ratings
Community rating
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“In itself quite an interesting distillate, but the whole has almost nothing at all to do with Caroni. Opulent sweetness, vanilla, caramel, milky notes, some coffee, yellow fruits. On the palate, a gum note flits through the flavor profile, but that was it with the reminiscences of the typical Caroni notes. A rum that should work much better blind than with the Caroni expectation as a guideline.”


Creme brulee Oak Milk chocolate Vanilla Cream


Syrupy Rubber Creme brulee Honey Oak
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“This one was supposed to be the piece de resistance, but it was a huge disappointment especially when looking at the price tag and we all agreed on that. The Caroni is there but not that well balanced. The long finish is more bacause of a poorly integrated ABV in my mind.”


Figs Tar Rubber Intense Caramel


Rubber Varnish Grapes Woody Bitter
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“Das soll ein 96er Caroni sein? Komisch. Blind hätte ich nicht auf einen Caroni getippt- dafür hat er viel zu wenig Körper, kaum Geschmack, relativ neutral, alkoholisch. Schade.”

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What are the key facts about this rum?

Old Music! Series
Cask number
Made from
22 years
Bottle volume
Price range
Above 250€
Type of spirit

What is the price trend for this rum?

439 €
Ø Market value

Community purchase statistics

The RumX community has already added 8 bottles to their collections:







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About the Caroni distillery

The Caroni distillery is located in Trinidad. Rums from Caroni have been reviewed 6,549 times with an average of 8.8/10.

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