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Kyoto Fine Wine and Spirits Caroni Shinanoya (The Purple Haze) 1997 24yr 60,6%

RX17862 Excellent Single Cask 224 bottles Above 250€

The "Shinanoya (The Purple Haze)" was produced in Trinidad at the Caroni distillery. It was selected and bottled by the independent bottler Kyoto Fine Wine and Spirits. It was distilled in 1997 from Molasses and then aged for 24 years. The rum is bottled at cask strength and has an ABV of 60,6%. This is a limited release and there are only 224 bottles.

1 community member rated this rum with an average of 9.3/10.

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The author Steffen Mayer with his book 100% Trinidad Rum

CARONI - 100% Trinidad Rum

Discover the fascination of the closed Caroni Distillery on over 1136 pages with a total weight of 9.4kg - a real masterpiece by Steffen Mayer!

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“Caroni was selected by Kyoyo Fine Wine and Spirits and released in collaboration with Shinanoya in Japan. Several 1997 Caroni bottles have been released in Japan, but I think this bottle is the best.”

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What are the key facts about this rum?

Made from
24 years
No. of bottles
Bottle volume
Price range
Above 250€
Type of spirit

What is the price trend for this rum?

332 €
Ø Market value

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About the Caroni distillery

The Caroni distillery is located in Trinidad. Rums from Caroni have been reviewed 6,549 times with an average of 8.8/10.

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